Teen Doula Explore Class - what's that all about?
I am writing today to let you know there's natural ways to become fertile if you need a little help!
Fertility herbs are somewhat a "hidden secret" I guess for women to learn about. And yes, there are herbs men can take as well! smile
One note of caution before we mention some fertility herbs to try out - remember that herbs should only be taken under a doctor or midwife's direction or a certified herbalist direction. The advise in this article is not meant to replace what your doctor says to do. Also, some fertility herbs sometimes can cause miscarriages (I know kind of weird or crazy) - so if you suspect you are pregnant - then stop the herbs immediately! Always go "light on herbs" if you are unsure about dosage - "less is more". By the way, I have a certificate from an International English place in herbalism - just to let you know that!
Recommended Fertility Herbs For Hormone Imbalance:
Evening Primrose oil, cinnamon, red clover, vitex, Ashwagandha, Dong quai, red raspberry leaf
Fertility herbs for irregular cycles or innovulation:
Ashwagandha, Black cohosh, false unicorn, vitex, cinnamon, yarrow, red raspberry leaf
Herbs that can help PCOS:
Ashwagandha, cinnamon, tribulus, maca
Increasing sperm count:
Maca, tribulus, ashwagandha, asparagus
I know asparagus is more like a vegetable – so some vegetables can help you get pregnant!
More tips that you can try for fertility:
1. Get out in the sun so you can get more Vitamin D.
2. Go for walks and exercise more! Light weightlifting and focus on your posture can help.
3. Womb massage can help. This is something that you should learn how to do with a specific course or in person.
4. Drink water – make sure you are not dehydrated.
5. Eat less wheat products and refined sugars – you may want to try a gluten free diet!
Some foods that you can try out:
6. Pomegranates or drinking the juice can help as they are full of antioxidants.
7. Olive oil or avocado oil.
8. Eat Avocados!
So, if you would like to know more about fertility herbs and more – I am offering an herbal course in early November, and I may repeat this in early December if I have enough interest. This class covers herbs for fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum! Check out this link for the herbal class starts November 5th: http://www.catholicdoula.com/herbal-course.html and December dates to be announced. (2 class days for each course).
Also, if you need a fertility “coach” I am now working on a coaching class, and I’ll offer discounted help for parents who are seeking fertility help. So, message me at catholicdoulanews@gmail.com and I would be glad to offer you some assistance on this!