The Crucible that has trapped mankind from Light into eternal darkness
For those who do not accept the theology of Purgatory
As the teaching of purgatory has induced me to write at least 8 articles I often hear many anti-purgatory claims such as; why would a loving God keep a soul from immediately entering the kingdom where God stands ready to welcome them?
“This person has endured much suffering already and has lived their purgatory here on earth.” Many stories from the book Purgatory relate situations where souls have been given choices to suffer innumerable pain here to alleviate the suffering in purgatory. The short maladies endured here are much better than what they may experience in purgatory. Be that as it may, there are those who endure pain, physical or emotional, and may be expiated here. Some do not accept it and regret not taking the offer.
The question I would present to those who do not believe in this part of the “Communion of Saints” why do you attend a Mass for the deceased? If this person or persons go straight to heaven at their passing they do not need our prayers. If anything they are in position to pray for us. Further, why does the Church have Masses for the deceased, especially All Souls day. And why do people ask for Masses to be said for our deceased? If they do not enter purgatory, as many will, to whom are we praying for?
I believe the Church has a much better grasp on this issue than those who question or misunderstand scripture (2nd Maccabees 12: 43 - 46). We believe many signs of Jesus’ power we don’t understand, why is it so difficult to accept something as simple as purgatory?
Ralph B. Hathaway, Purgatory is real. November 2021