God's Plan Of Salvation
An eternal mindset is aware that we are here on earth to come to know, love, and serve God and be with Him FOREVER in the next life. Forever? Eternity? NEXT life? These words are foreign to many looking for the warranty for any purchase or who seek to sign a
pre-nuptial agreement before stating the vows to 'love, honor, and obey.’ With modern culture, there often appears to be no room for error, nor is mercy shown. Fingers wag at the most innocuous 'offenses' — or 'splinters,' as stated biblically. Meanwhile, 'covenant busting' actions are shrugged off as 'a right,' or 'a passage to adulthood.'
Adults lacking the eternal mindset are quick to block persons from their e-mail, social media sites, or slam doors or phone receivers on anyone daring to even appear to contradict a brand of truth. Those who lack the eternal mindset believe they can declare who will be in their 'self–created' perfect world. In simple words, some persons believe they are their own god, small g, with their own truth. Unwittingly, they are re-writing Genesis Chapter 1, verse 31. ' . . . And "I" looked around at everything "I" have made for myself, and find it all to be good, for myself.'
By comparison, the following character attributes are often seen in those with an eternal mindset:
√ Those with an eternal mindset do not succumb to the TV commercials that entice to 'RUSH OUT TODAY TO GET . . .'
'MUST HAVE' . . . 'SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED' . . . 'DON'T BE WITHOUT!' (Whatever is the latest and greatest innovation for mankind.)
√ Those with an eternal mindset are content with wages earned and give more than the paycheck wages, knowing whom they are really serving and learning from.
√ The eternal mindset understands that enduring annoying persons patiently could be God's means of grace to raise one UP. OH MY, what a blessing not to block from e-mail or a social media site or slam a door or phone receiver on them — but to learn about this person to better pray for them and form a stronger relationship.
√ An eternal mindset, with understanding all humanity is prone to error, never 'follows the crowd' of public opinion, carte blanche. The love and honor of God must always be first.
√ Those of an eternal mindset will allot at least one hour a week to worship God through praise, thanksgiving, and petition. Additionally, such minds will act with faith to do what Jesus Christ said to do and 'take and eat' of His real presence through the consecrated bread. Doing this in a 'state of grace,' there comes a slow transformation of acquiring the 'fruits' (virtues) of Christ's Spirit.
√ The eternal mindset understands the need to 'work out one's salvation.' This requires a 'sacrificial love' that dares to say NO to specific actions, with the risk of losing friends here on earth, but the hope of seeing them forever in that eternal life! Living with an eternal mindset as the focus is a narrow road, indeed.
√ Those of mature spirit will objectively work for common good laws that honor the common Go(o)d.
√ To pray without ceasing is to have an eternal mindset IN GOD. Prayer is not just about words. Every good action we get to do each day, done in pure love, aka ‘state of grace’ and 'offered up' for any specific intention, is a prayer to God. Simply begin each day with the words: ‘use my good actions this day Lord for (name intention).’ There is also the formal 'Morning Offering' prayer.
Yes, enjoy life on earth, but keep in mind that there will be struggles, suffering, tears, quarrels, and misunderstandings as we 'work out our salvation.' Be assured that Jesus Christ is closer to those who ‘suffer’ WITH Him and for God. Such is the reason for the holy sacrifice of Mass.
When some slam a door, phone receiver, block from the social media sites or falsely accuse us of being 'offensive,' take it from whence it comes. Such actions are no different than those grammar school 'nyah, nyah,' years. 'Put downs' or 'busting' in the guise of ‘wit’ has become common in today's society. (Taunting, poking, and provoking to ‘bait’ a reaction from a person) These are the 'tactics of teens' in high school to gain false power over others they believe are weak. Pray for them, but do not listen to them. It would probably be best to, as much as possible, avoid them. Real friends respect the mutual values seen in one another. The spiritual values are not always clearly verbalized, but good actions always bring mutual respect.
Keep eternal life the focus, and do not get pulled down to ideas or actions satisfying only the temporary earthly desires. Life is eternal, and we are 'in the world but NOT of the world and its ways.'