Let's Stop Reducing St. Francis' Feast Day to a Pet Blessing!
For many years of my life, there were things I struggled to accept. Circumstances of life and sufferings that I continually fought against spiritually.
I realized recently that over time, those things have bothered me less and less, and I’ve grown more accepting of God’s will in the areas of my life that I once struggled with. God had given me the grace to accept that which I couldn’t accept in the past.
It was a long hard battle most days during the years I struggled with acceptance. Depression and anxiety were commonplace in my daily life. If I had to coach the younger me to relive those years, I think I would have encouraged myself to accept “what is” sooner. It’s a much more peaceful and hopeful way to live.
The reality is that my fighting against those things I disliked about my life didn’t change them (at least most of them) despite my praying harder and trying to control the situation. It took my joy away from the gifts of the present moment. I have also learned that God knows best. There’s a reason for everything that happens in my life that is often revealed much later.
So if there’s something you are wrestling with, ask for the grace of acceptance. God wants to help you accept those things you struggle with so that you can live more joyfully, peacefully and hopefully in the life He has blessed you with.