The best new year's resolution: a Catholic perspective
Who are the Marginalized in Your Life?
Love and Care for the Marginalized: 40 Meditations, Spiritual Outreach Reflections for Catholics is a book available through Charis Publishing and on Amazon and Kindle asking the question "Who are those people in my life who do not have the love and the support they deserve"? Each day the book offers a quote (from several sources including popes, saints, religious leaders, and others), a reflection, a call to action, and a prayer in order to make a difference for those who are on the fringes and feel unloved and uncared for.
As Catholics and as people of faith, we are called to love the marginalized and to show them God is a present in their lives and He loves them. If we are able to be a caring presence in their lives as well, this is another way God's love is shown and felt by someone feeling uncared for.
The greatest question we can ask ourselves is "How do I find those people who do feel left-out, rejected, and alone?" The answer is simple, they are everywhere. They are in our neighborhoods, work places, extended family, our churches, and even inside our homes. The most frequent characteristic is that they do not have human support and often feel isolated and abandoned by others.
What Does it Mean to Be "Well Catechized"?
As people who love God, the Church, and our faith, we must examine exactly what does it mean to say that one is "well-cathechized"? It certainly means loving God, following Him, knowing the Catetchism and understanding and following it. It means living out the Sacramental life of the Church. It ALSO means treating people with kindness, dignity, and respect.
Often times within some Catholic circles, the idea that being "nice" has no real importance since our faith has little to say about that particular word "nice". Contrary to what we as people who love the faith may believe, yes, being nice is relevant and important. People who suffer and feel ostracized depend on people of faith and good will to smile, care, and to be nice and kind. Kindness counts and so does the act of being nice to another person who needs to feel God's love.
It is a calling by God to show empathy and compassion to all those we encounter but especially the marginalized of our world.
Where is the Book Available?
Love and Care for the Marginalized is available through Charis Publishing and also on Amazon and Kindle. Great stocking stuffer or for any occassion.