International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Having been born in this age and only this age, I can’t say what it was like for parents in other times, but I can say I’m greatly concerned for my children’s future with all that’s going on. There’s plenty to worry about living in a world which seems to increasingly shun our Christian values, but I’m also grateful for our faith. I try to pass that on, knowing that once they walk out on their own, it’s their choices that will build their future, not mine. Conscience of that, my husband and I try to instill a lasting faith in them that they can fall back on in all times of grief or sorrow, joy and peace, or even fear and worry.
Part of passing on our faith is going to Mass weekly and praying together nightly and before meals. We even do this when we’re away from home. They’ve accepted this as something our family does different from most others, but I worry they (like so many do) may grow away from their faith. Realizing I can’t spend time worrying, I pray instead.
Lord, build in their hearts a love for You such that the world cannot destroy!
I confess I pray for more than my children in this; I have other children I love that I want to see in heaven one day. If I could, I would wrap every child in my arms and protect them from the horrors of this world and the foul choices it tries to force us into. I have no such power but I know Who does. I turn to our Lord for everything. Our Father knows all and sees all and has no limits, so I leave it to Him and just do my part as best I can.
Lord, let them not believe the lies of the enemy even though they may be told by those they love, but let them cling to Your Truth in all things!
I don’t know who they’ll trust in the future and who they’ll surround themselves with (1 Cor 15:33 & 2 Cor 6:14), so I pray for their judgment, knowing my own certainly isn’t perfect. I pray they find solace in the Lord and that they seek justice with peace and perseverance. I pray for their health and wellbeing but most of all for them to cling to God and follow His Will for their lives, for His Will is perfect! More than all the worldly wants, I want to be with my loved ones in Eternity one day. If we make that our goal of each prayer, our prayers will be more fervent and honest.
Making time to pray for them important, and letting them hear me is important, but sometimes I’m ‘late’ and going to bed when it happens. Sometimes my rosary isn’t said until right before my head hits the pillow. I keep putting the effort in though. Tomorrow is another day but today or tonight I have to put my best effort in because tomorrow is not promised. Even at the last moment of the day, if I think I haven’t prayed enough, I pray more. Even a line or two is better than dismissing it. St. Monica prayed fervently for her son and husband and both converted, her son a doctor of the Church, St. Augustine!
One more small benefit: peace of mind (Philippians 4:6). I know deeply (thanks to the faith my parents built in me) that God will lead them in their lives. It’s my job to guide their minds and hearts as they learn now (Proverbs 22:6), teaching them to know and hear Him, but God will guide them ultimately. At that point, all I can do is pray.