Cana, A Feast ofLove
Calvary and Christ the King. Our Calvary and Our Kingly Response
“The King of the Jews” the sign read. Pandemic 2021 surrounds our world.
His kingdom not of this world but beyond; Suffering, misinformation, Covid, is the norm.
The human face of God of love. Selfish, human kingship of material goods,
Love for man to be with Him. Love for oneself, man sees as truth.
Obedient to the will of God; “Don’t tell me what to do!”
His charity as victim for our sins, “I alone can decide my future.”
Redeemer, to suffer so man can enter- “To hell with others of this world,
The kingdom of love and holiness. My kingdom is me, myself and I.”
“By offering himself on the altar of the Cross Our sufferings are not comparable to His.
Our chance for redemption is now- To follow His faith, His mercy, His kindness;
As a spotless sacrifice to bring us peace, Inequality, but our inward eye and self can offer
He might accomplish the mysteries A spirit of detachment from earthly things
of human redemption.” (Preface) to deny ourselves, to carry our cross.