One Heart, One Love
In my neighborhood, a lot of construction is going on. Buildings are going up in every available space. Each day, I have to tune out all the sounds associated with construction and the traffic congestion it causes. Not easy.
When our heads are pounding from the noise and tensions in our daily lives, it’s hard to think straight at all. Believe me there are days when I want to scream SHUT UP!! Truly, the sound of silence is a welcome relief.
We are meant to have quiet time in our daily lives. We need that space to clear our minds. What’s more, we need to commune with our Lord. Remember, Jesus Christ often went off by himself to pray and spend quiet time with God the Father to renew and to refresh himself.
In our Father’s House, we can find that quiet space. So whenever we pass by a Church, let us take time to go inside and just sit in silence. Our Lord knows our needs before we say anything. And if we have time during the work week, let’s stay for Mass.
At Mass, we are given time to pause, ponder, and pray. During that time we can open ourselves to Jesus, ponder his presence in the Spirit, and pray for God’s graces to take hold in our lives. We also can pause, ponder, and pray in our own homes provided we follow Christ’s way.
This is Jesus’ instruction: “go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.” [Mt.6: 6]. We need that quiet room in our lives to be silent, to be still. Otherwise, how can we adhere to God’s will, participate in Jesus’ redemptive work, and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit if we are distracted?
So whether it’s by turning off the television, radio, or any other electronic device and tuning out the distractions, we can make the sound of silence. The calming influence of quiet time can help us center our lives in the Holy Trinity. In silence we can contemplate Christ’s teachings in the Scriptures and feel his guidance by way of the Holy Spirit, drawing us into God’s embrace.
However, for some of us, spending time alone in silence may not be a welcome relief. Our quiet time easily fills with worried thoughts over what is occurring in our lives. Chances are we give ourselves plenty of time to worry. What does that accomplish?
“Can any of you by worrying add a moment to your life-span?” [Luke 12: 25] Probably not. Therefore, remember what Mary said to the wine servers regarding Jesus at the Wedding Feast at Cana—“Do whatever he tells you.” [John 2: 5] And God our Father said at the Transfiguration: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” [Luke 9: 35]
By listening to Jesus and following his instructions we are renewed and refreshed in unity with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. In silence with God in Three Persons, we can feel the healing joy this union brings. “My strength and my refuge is the Lord, and he has become my savior.” [Exodus 15:2] Amen.