God cannot Not Love!
A Decision that will Support Our Beliefs
This week the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) will try to come to a conclusive decision regarding the problem of distributing holy communion to those in government who promote abortions.
A recent article “Denying a Sacrament; Missing the point” gave some pros and cons by two writers in the Post Gazette. My take on that was, then as now, how we as Catholics must view the Sacrament.
Certainly the president and speaker of the house haven’t participated in abortions, but when they advocate and promote them they establish the carte blanche it’s ok. How many people will follow them.
The reason catholics are forbidden to receive communion in Protestant churches, and why Protestants are forbidden to receive Holy Communion in Catholic Churches is the issue of the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Catholic teaching of the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ, real human species not a symbol. One commentator on the news recently stated that far too many catholics misunderstand this theological premise and do not know why the exclusion from their beliefs of receiving communion is so important.
If we say its a sin then what about everyday sins that plague all of humanity which denotes confession is used and we go on. The answer is so clear with the act of abortion. Herein the rush to see humanity and life therein is no longer viable in the eyes of far too many. Other nations, especially those governed by dictators, have for centuries disregarded human life as expendable. America, the land of the free and home of the brave has been for too long slipping into the same scenario and may soon become a result of its own evil inclination of putting death by abortion and euthanasia as an everyday occurrence.
We have here two very crucial actions that must be considered affecting everybody. First the evil of abortion, which denies unborn living human beings from reaching normal birth and living as the rest of us. It’s like snuffing out life because we have the ability to do so. Second when those in power decide who will live because they have the ability to determine it their decision to not only advocate its existence they also will decide the future of all freedoms; which is happening in Washington D.C. right now.
The vote by the bishops must be on the side of life because it is God’s Law.
Ralph B. Hathaway, who’s in charge of life? 2021