Sometimes Mercy, Sometimes Grace
for a young priest
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and a white chasuble lift me
from the dark, disordered world.
The priest genuflects, kisses the altar,
makes the sign of the cross, opens
with prayer.
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We confess….
Lord, have mercy. Glory to God in the Highest.
Old Testament reading, Psalm response,
New Testament, Gospel, Homily.
Creed. Lord, hear our prayer….
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Offertory hymn and baskets. We give
God’s gifts back to Him. (Where else
would we get them?)
The Lord be with you….
Lift our hearts. Holy. Holy. Holy….
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The mystery of faith.
The priest is Jesus on His altar:
Both Victim and Victor are one.
He prays, speaking toward Bread and Cup,
lifts Holy Transubstantiating Sacrament.
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No longer bread and wine,
Jesus is Eucharist; Eucharist is Jesus.
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Saints and angels descend.
Cherubim. Seraphim. Seven other choirs.
The Church Militant and the Church
Triumphant sing with Heavenly Hosts.
Love beckons: Light in a world of darkness.
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I hunger to eat Jesus’ Body, to drink His Blood.
Lord, I am not worthy…
but only say the Word, and my soul shall be healed.
I look into the eyes of Jesus as He hangs dying,
loving me from His cross.
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The priest places the Body of Christ
on my tongue. Spirit in me
believes the Amen! even when lips forget
to proclaim it. My guardian angel
touches my shoulder as I pray.
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I move from kneeler to pew rapt, open my eyes,
stand, wait to be blessed. Air rushes in
through an open door; a car horn
blasts impatience, but nothing can change
what really happens at Mass.