Fight the Good Fight Against Moral Relativism
The Three Days of darkness is a personal revelation of many visionaries, and of mystics, St. Hildegard, in Germany; viz., Bl. Anna-Maria Taigi, Elizabeth Canori-Mora,; Marie-Julie Jahenny, in France; Father Nectou, in Belgium; Rosa-Colomba Asdente, Pere Lamy, Marie Baourdi, Marie Martel, Palma d'Oria, in Italy just to name a few, and there are many others. They all warn of great destruction in some form or other. There is even biblical references in a general sense in some books of both the old and the new testament. This three days of darkness is often called a chastisement because it is supposed to eliminate about 75% of the human race over a three day period from any number of earthly, cosmic and supernatural causes. There are any number of sites on the internet claiming to have the products of salvation that range from mini alters to beeswax candles. While these things are suggested in a number of personal revelations they will only be assistive for those who enter this dark time in a state of grace.
There are other sites of a neo-spiritual nature that even add that; “new life forms will come and contribute to destruction to gain more power for themselves and thus procreate their new race.” With an apparent follow up question from Mother Lucia asking our Holy Mother, “What should humanity do?” And the Virgin Mary supposedly answering; “Don’t leave home and don’t let anyone strange into it, new and unknown people appearing to be good will ask to join them with their new race and way of life - ignore it. These new people will take advantage of the catastrophe that will happen in the world.” After combing all of the sources possible, and exhausting internet searches for days on end; I have significant certianty that there is no real proof of this portion of Lucia of Fatima’s recounting conversations with the Holy Mother of God. Because of this there seems to be no reason to speculate on what the meaning is and how it may apply to us as we draw near this three days of darkness.
What is abundantly clear is the clarion call to be ready. While as the faithful we all know what this means, a simple list of how to do this is always assistive in our walk towards the eternal. This list is not everything that can be done; however, these are foundational to our faith and a great starting point for those needing to begin again and find a way to be prepared for whatever God has planned for us in this life.
If we increase even one of these bullets in our daily lives things will change toward the will of God. Many saints before us have spent a life time struggling with any number of these bullet points and living sacramentally is not an easy thing to do in this post modern world. Living sacramentally is also possible and the key is to never give up the fight to become all that God is calling us to in this life and onto the next.