To the Ends of the Earth: Witness – Catholic Men's Devotionals, An Introduction
This short essay is taken from the devotional, The Incarnation and the Exultation: An Advent Devotional. This devotional reflects on the scriptures of incarnation and exaltation in order to take you on a journey of thoughtful self-reflection. It is meant to draw you more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s coming into the world to help you walk your own inner path toward the season of Christmas. As you celebrate the coming of Christ into your lives during Advent and spend time reflecting on the readings in this devotional, may the light and love that entered our world lead you to the cross in wonder and thanksgiving. May you find joy and discover strength as you walk this wondrous journey to Bethlehem, always holding within your heart the image of the Hill of Calvary and the hope of the Age to come when Christ will return to call his people home!
Friday, First Week of Advent – Bringing the Good News!
Incarnation – The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound… (Isaiah 61:1)
Exaltation – But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!” (Romans 10:14-15)
Advent is not just a time of quiet contemplation and prayerful reflection. It is meant to be a time of action as well. The insight and spiritual growth we gain from every moment with God should spill out into action on behalf of the Gospel. This is a wondrous time! The Son of God entered our world in the form of a helpless baby, putting on a dwelling of flesh so that he could bring us the Good News of salvation. His whole life was an act of supreme love for his people.
The true joy of Christmas lies not in the warm feelings we share with family and friends or the sense of generosity we feel in our giving. Those are the result of the Good News that has come alive in our hearts through the incarnation of Christ. It is this greatest of gifts that should compel us to share this Good News with everyone we meet.
Bringing the grace of God's love to others involves words and actions. What better testimony of love can we speak than to tell the Christmas story of God breaking into time? It is the precious tale of our Savior coming, not as a mighty king in a palace, but as a helpless baby in a manger. That baby would grow up to walk the dusty roads of Palestine, heal the sick, raise the dead, and bring salvation to the world! It is truly astounding to think that God would put on our humanity and breathe our air, touch our broken bodies, feed our hunger for bread and beauty, and show us the way to heaven through the cruel cross. We can do no less than to follow his example.
Let us remember during Advent that there are lost and lonely souls out there, waiting for someone to come to them. They are longing to hear the Good News, looking for those who will walk the road with them to the place where God will call them out of darkness into his marvelous light. Be that person today!
Prayer: Almighty Father, I am overwhelmed at love so pure, that it brought your Son to earth to take on human flesh, live among his people, and ultimately die for our salvation. Thank you for this perfect gift. May I share this Good News with another today…Amen!
Spirit of the Lord descending,
Sets the broken captives free,
Good News preached to mankind grieving,
Calling forth the Jubilee!