Redemptive Love:the Secret of the Cross
A Mother’s Advent
My favorite time in the church calendar is Advent.
Every mother waits with anticipation the arrival of a child. She plans, prays and hopes for a safe birth with good chance for a healthy life. This is love. You have to work from the inside out- your heart and soul, your core being, prepared for the one who is to come into the world.
With Advent the church family anticipates Christ when He came into the world as a human babe. Waiting for Christ takes honesty, humility and love of Christ. It takes faith. “Faith goes beyond reason. It is a passion for what reason cannot be.” ( Bishop Barron). Love for Christ seen as a child is simple, not complex.
Why did Christ come as a child, grow into a teacher, and die for us? Love; love for us- deeper and more profound than a mother’s love for her child. He knew our human understanding could see that love as a mother sees and loves her babe.
Feeding our souls with communion grace, watering our hearts with love for all, growing our whole selves into one with Him- this is our preparation for Christmas Day.
Come, Lord come.
Come deep into our heart.
Come from heaven to earth.
Come into all the world.
We wait patiently for your arrival.
We work to reach your love.
We listen for your truths, your heartbeat.
We follow your path to eternal life.