Quit Using the Old Whine Skin!!
I Found out something today, after many years of seeking God’s Word in the Bible—Proverbs are words of Wisdom from King Solomon.
“That is so amazing!” I told my husband. He said, “No, that is so Solomon!”
Yes, so Solomon! Bob’s reply was words of truth spoken in a wisecracking way but, still they are words of truth.
Solomon, a man of God learned thousands of years ago—the greatest gift to ask for is Wisdom and Understanding. He could have anything He requested God told him. But, King Solomon, it seems already wise: asked for wisdom and understanding so that he would be as great a King as David. In doing so, God granted Wisdom to Solomon, so much so that none other has been known to be wiser. And it was because of these gifts of Wisdom and understanding—Solomon was given---all else he could ever want.
So Solomon and so wise! Ages later, his words are passing new wisdom on to me: Wisdom and understanding of how important these gifts are in my own life. When you have wisdom and understanding—you have great insight into the whys and how comes of your life and the lives of others around you. This enables you then to be more forgiving and patient, more loving, kind and compassionate. That is how God gives us the grace then---needed to complete the work of the Lord in the house of the Lord as Solomon was able to do. The grace to truly love as Jesus did.
What a big task that is to love, just as hard as it was for Solomon to build the temple of the Lord! Can you imagine the magnitude of this job! Don’t imagine, read about it—all the details! That is why King David speaks this Word to his son and we too---in 1 Chronicles 28—verse 20
“Then David said to his son Solomon: “Be strong and steadfast, and go to work; do not fear or be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or abandon you before you have completed all the work for the service of the house of the LORD. 21The divisions of the priests and Levites are ready for all the service of the house of God; they will be with you in all the work with all those who are eager to show their skill in every kind of craftsmanship. Also the commanders and all the people will do everything that you command.”
Whenever we are called to come and serve the Lord, no matter how impossible it may seem, if God is the One asking then we should know without a doubt—He will enable us to do what is humanly impossible. All we need is Wisdom and understanding—and the power of all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit too. Do not leave home without them. Wise up, as the Apostles, and in obedience, pray until you receive these gifts from on high before going forth to serve the Lord.
Back to what King Solomon wrote—you may want to read carefully all of Proverbs chapters 1-4 for they contain all the gems of God's Wisdom and why you would be wise to seek God’s gift of Wisdom. Proverbs 3 has always been my favorite
5Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely;
6In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.
7Do not be wise in your own eyes,fear the LORD and turn away from evil;
8This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones.
9Honor the LORD with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce;
10Then will your barns be filled with plenty, with new wine your vats will overflow.
11The discipline of the LORD, my son, do not spurn;do not disdain his reproof;
12For whom the LORD loves he reproves, as a father, the son he favors.
What Words to live by, what Wisdom from God! Wisdom, by the way, begins—with the Fear of the Lord—another amazing gift of the Holy Spirit? Include that on your list when asking God to gift you. We all sure could use more of that—a deeper belief, reverence, and respect of just WHO GOD IS!