If there is to be a future where do we begin?
“Luke’s Infancy Narrative”
An artistic production of Luke with seven scenes appearing as a sacred stage play.
Excerpted from Sacra Pagina (Sacred Page) of Luke
Incident Departure Song
Zechariah/Elizabeth and he went to his home none
Annunciation to Mary angel departed none
Visitation Mary returned home Mary’s Magnificat
Baptist’s Birth He was in the wilderness Zechariah’s Benedictus
Jesus’ Birth Shepherds returned Angel’s song
Circumcision/Presentation they returned to Galilee Simeon’s song
Loss/finding in the temple he went down with them none
Lk. 1: 1-20; Lk. 1: 26-38; Lk. 1:39-56; Lk. 1: 57-80; Lk. 2: 1-20; Lk. 2: 21-40; Lk. 2: 41-52
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.” (Is. 7: 14).
A prophecy of the birth of Jesus, a time God has appointed to redeem the world from apostasy and unbelief that He, the Lord of Hosts, desires to save mankind through His Son’s Redemptive act of Sacrifice.
Let us move forward in history and see now that God is going to give humanity one last opportunity to believe in that series of events wherein we may find ourselves on the receiving end of God’s Grace working through us.
The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary announcing she will be the Mother of God, through her Son Immanuel. I doubt anyone has seen an angel appearing to us with a message. However, God does reach each of us in varied ways. We may not understand immediately our charge in life, but if open to God’s plan for us the goal planned may become fruitful when like Mary’s acceptance when say yes!
Are you ready to follow the task God has given you gifts to accomplish? This is Advent and when one becomes open to whatever the Lord has handed you He will be the guide directing the steps needed. The task may not have anything to do with Spiritual events, but in the secular world there are people who need guidance which is spiritual itself.
You may not sing or shout with a Canticle at your acceptance to adhere to the call of God, but with the Holy Spirit living in you those under your charge will make headway through life as you carry the message of God in the manner of obedience.
As many came to give Glory to the Christ Child so will many unseen or known by you through attrition from the goodness chosen by your YES fall upon them. This can be an Advent from your acceptance.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Advent 2021