My Confession and Penance
About two thousands years ago an Angel appeared to a young virgin woman ... I think you know the rest of the story.
Now, if an Angel appeared to me right now I would probably fall off my swivel armchair, and I would drop the computer keyboard to the floor.
But imagine it happened to you.
Perhaps not a vision or an appearance as happened to Mary, but imagine that God spoke to you and asked you to do something for Him. Would you be able to say "Yes" like Mary did?
God has spoken to many people over the years and has asked them to serve Him in a special way.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta left her native land and spent her life helping the poor. She must have heard and obeyed God's wishes for her.
Father Damien De Veuster left his native country and went to work amongst the lepers in Molokai.
I am sure you can name other people who have heard the Word of God and obeyed it.
I know of a Deacon who left his job and went to work in a foreign country amongst the poor. He felt that God was calling him to do such work. He discussed it with his wife and they both had the courage to leave their careers behind, leave their family and friends, and travel to another country on a mission of mercy. They had grown up children at University who also agreed their decision and visited them during their break from studies.
As we prepare for Christmas, and remember the story of Mary and Joseph and their courage and faith in saying "Yes" to God, let us ask ourselves if our faith is strong enough, (as much as a mustard seed's worth), to say "Yes" to God if we were sure that He was asking us to do His will.
Personally, I don't think I ever could leave my family, friends and commitments and go to such lengths as moving to another country and help their poor.
Perhaps my faith is not as strong as I would like to believe, or as much as I pretend it is. Perhaps I am lacking in many ways.
Or perhaps God would not ask us to do something He knows we are not able to fulfil.
Meanwhile, let us thank Mary and Joseph, and all the other people since then, (and before), who have had the courage and faith to answer God's call.