3 days darkness and what is more important.
I recently read a left leaning blog by Molly Jong-Fast about the coming supreme court ruling on abortion restrictions enacted in Texas. The left is clever in claiming that women now have a constitutional right to abortion. Remember the proverb that says keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This is what another proverb calls us to know our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. In this leftist blog there is a palpable fear that the Supreme Court and I quote; “refused to step in when a Texas governor essentially rewrote the Constitution concerning a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion.”
As I understand this, The Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution. The leftist blogger seems to think that patients seeking abortions in Texas are desperate. This blogger goes on to complain that The Supreme Court should have provided emergency relief, for constitutionally protected reproductive rights. It seems to me that constitutional interpretation changes over time, so the process is dynamic, not fixed or forever guaranteed for anyone. It is clear that the left fears a return to a foundational understanding of murder is murder is murder, and it cannot be disguised as some new constitutional protection that in realty does not exist.
What our dear leftist blog fails to mention is that the right to abortion is a humanist rationalization to relieve the guilt of murder so that one can live as they please without regard to consequences. This is a very rebellious approach that God will not tolerate for much more as the blood of the innocent cries out to the Throne of heaven for justice. There is increased conversalism that forces many to lose any sense of what is right as they fight over who is right solely in order to proport to protect reproductive rights. This leftist blogger also grossly mis-represents the Roe v Wade allowance that currently protects a woman’s right to privacy. This while an incorrect interpretation of the constitution is how Roe v Wade made abortion more legal. Roe v Wade also clarified the State’s rights to regulate pregnancy terminations and the Texas attempt to set more clear guardrails around how a woman’s privacy rights can be exercised is completely within the current interpretation of Roe v Wade concerning State’s rights.
For the faithful it is abundantly clear that this leftist blogger and the Justices that decided Roe v Wade back in 1973 got the entire issues completely wrong. The proper application of the overarching sentiment of the preamble to the constitution is an article for another day. The reality that we must pray to end is that in the meantime, the unborn are being killed routinely, the unborn have no voice to stand up to leftist ideologies concerning moral relativism, the unborn are being discriminated against and we as a nation are decimating our constitutional obligation to the future of our great nation by allowing for the murder of the unborn. Some states are attempting to be more reasonable towards the unborn as protected citizens, like the current restrictions in Texas. Unless and until we return to the full overarching application of the preamble of the Constitution, and its use of the word Posterity, there will continue to be no justice for the pre-born nor consequences for the perpetrators of pre-born infanticide in the name of privacy. To simply call abortion murder is the first step to more fully understand why privacy is secondary to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL.
Now is the time for all good men to be of good cheer, fast, pray and offer supplications that our current justices, this great nation, and its several States may indeed return to The Face of Justice and stop the cry of innocent blood that goes up to the Throne of Heaven seeking true justice in the hand of God against the evil the left so lovingly calls reproductive rights.