We're Invited!
I love Advent! God gives us this beautiful season to prepare to celebrate our Lord’s first coming into the world. By the power of God the Father and Holy Spirit—with the Blessed Virgin Mary’s acceptance—our Lord became one like us!
Do we take time to contemplate what transpired? Our Lord became a microscopic cell that divided and multiplied, developed and grew inside Mary in order to be born as we are born. Out of his great love for humanity, our Lord took on human flesh and blood to dwell among us.
In Christ, divinity and humanity unite. By becoming one like us, our Lord tells us that life is sacred and worth living with faith, hope, and especially love. Therefore, is it more than a coincidence that at the beginning of this Advent Season the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments concerning a Mississippi abortion law?
In the mother’s womb, every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. “You formed my inmost being;/ you knit me in my mother’s womb./ I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; /wonderful are your works!/ My very self you know” [Psalm 139: 13,14]. God our Father knows each of us as he knows his own Son. Although we have the stain of original sin, that stain is washed away at Baptism.
While we are still prone to commit sin, in God’s eyes, we are worth saving for eternal life in Heaven. For this salvation, the Son of God came into the world. The greatness of God’s love for humanity was made manifest in Jesus. Truly now is the time to open ourselves to receive our Lord’s loving presence. Like Mary, let us feel God’s love take hold within our inmost being.
Consider this: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us so that we could receive our Lord’s Body and Blood with his Soul and Divinity for the sake of our healing and salvation. Each time we receive the Holy Eucharist, Christ enters into our being. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God’s love lives within us! This love is meant to be shared.
Remember, the love of God shined through Mary during her visit with her cousin Elizabeth. “And Mary said: ‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.’” [Luke 1: 46, 47] Our Lady continues to share this great love with all who pray to her. With Mary’s Immaculate Heart united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Blessed Mother guides us to her Son.
During Advent let us draw close to Jesus as we prepare to celebrate his birth. By accepting this union, our Lord’s love shines through us as it shined through Mary. With God’s grace, even in difficult times, we can reflect Christ to all awaiting the Good News. Doing so, we come together as brothers and sisters in Christ; we come together as members of Christ’s Body.
Therefore, let us not allow Advent to slip under the baking, shopping, gift-wrapping and all the festivities that come during this time of year. Instead, let us use this time to imitate Christ. As Jesus became one like us, we are meant to become more like him. May we embrace life and reflect the love of God. By sharing this love, we renew the ardent desire for Christ our Savior to come again. Amen.