The Born and Unborn
I guess I can't let another season go by without expressing my outrage regarding the stupidest "Christmas" song ever. You all know the one, that one that seems to be the subject of constant controversy and condemnation every year, and rightly so. That so many Catholics defend, promote and proclaim their love of this song dismays me, and leaves me quite sad really. I am sure this piece will elicit much of that of sentiment. So, I want to break down why this song offends and enrages me so much!
The song is absolutely filled with heresy and blasphemy. The worst being the outright denial and attack on the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother. Most of us get so caught up in the sentimental, shallow and feel good melodies of this song and probably don't even fathom or ponder the significance of the lyrics and words. This is by design. Mary will not be soon delivered by the child she delivers. She was delivered before her creation. This says more about Christ, than it does about Mary. Mary was Immaculately conceived so our Lord and Savior would have a perfect and pure vessel in which to dwell at His Incarnation. This is a huge deal, I mean it's not just the biggest deal in the world, it is the biggest deal in the history of the entire Universe. Think about it, our God humbled and condescended Himself to become human, and not just as a human man, but as a human embryo, and then a fetus, a newborn baby, a child, a teenager and finally a man. If you don't understand how humbling it is to become an embryo and fetus, reflect on the fact that so many in our nation and world, don't even believe people at this stage of development deserve to live and be considered people.
Then, this God, the Creator of the Earth and Skies and everything in existence died so that each and every one of us could have the opportunity for Heaven. He does this of love. A love so pure that He not only lives and dies as a mere mortal, the creator of the sun and stars mind you, but he dies in the most brutal and cruel form of torture and execution arguably ever created in the history of the world. The word excruciating is actually derived from crucifixion. He did this so we could go to Heaven. He did this so we could have an intense and intimate friendship and love affair with Him. The Incarnation is the biggest thing that ever happened in all of eternity. The Immaculate Conception and our Lady's part in this plan is a piece of all of that. It is also a dogmatic teaching of the Church, that means it is obligatory of belief and not optional.
Again, let me put this into perspective. The Incarnation is the event in eternity that turned angels into demons and led to that battle in Heaven and the fall of Satan. Satan rules this earth because of the Incarnation. Satan could not accept it, just as this song does not accept it. The excuse that most people just don't realize what this song is actually proclaiming is lame and unjustifiable. If this attack on Our Lord doesn't spark outrage, we probably have some work to do on that relationship. We should be called to defend those we love, and we are called to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls and minds, above all else, and everyone else. We should love our Lord and Lady more than a superficial song. The idea of this song attacks the very essence and magnitude of the Incarnation and what happens at Christmas. This is something devil and his minions delight in. They hate our Mother Mary.
Satan is subtle, and this song erodes the theology of our Faith, a Faith we should intimately know, love, cherish and defend. It is damaging and dangerous. Yes, it is only a stupid Christmas song, but the sentiments and emotions it elicits can be used to wedge inclinations deeper than we can be aware of. When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, she was very aware and knew the significance of the event. Just because we are ignorant of Salvation History, we shouldn't arrogantly attribute that lack of knowledge and faith to the greatest of all Saints. This song is an attack on our mother, and that should elicit an outrage and call to defend Her. Perhaps if you don't see it, an effort to deepen that intimacy with our Lord and Lady is in order.
It is a big deal, the biggest, just ask Satan.