The Almighty Dollar
As we gather around the Christmas tree
with presents piled on the floor,
there is an expectation that will be—
a wanting for something more.
What are we looking for under the tree?
Among the gifts and wrappings,
what do we expect to see?
It’s a certain something we won’t find
tucked in a box or in wrappings all entwined.
Not tied with ribbons or fancy bows,
but it’s a gift worth giving, Heaven knows.
Yes, what we seek comes from above;
Our Lord’s Heavenly graces
wrapped with mercy and with love.
God’s good graces are ours to be;
ready to fill our souls
for our salvation and eternity.
This gift was made possible as we know
because of a miracle
born so long ago.
A humble handmaid, all meek and mild,
said yes to the Archangel to carry God’s child.
A loving mother to this Son
whose life was given for everyone.
So let us accept God’s gift with our hearts open wide
and may we live a life more holy
with Mary as our guide.