Go to Mama!
Love has a responsibility. It would not be loving to allow evil to be perpetrated upon them. A parent that allows a direct, evil attack to their child would not be a good and loving parent. But we are not limited to just loving our children. We are to love all of our neighbors as an expression of our fundamental love of God. So, we are responsible to oppose all evil attacks on our neighbors.
But we have so many neighbors. How do we know who we have a direct responsibility toward? It comes down to all of those that we can affect. If you were a boss, you would have a responsibility to those you have charge over. But also all those that we come across each day. You cannot show the love of God to someone you meet if you were unwilling to defend them from evil. Think of the Good Samaritan.
But our democratic republic of the United States of America puts us in charge of hiring the ‘boss’ by voting for our government leaders. So if the boss is responsible for those they have charge over, so too do those who put the boss in charge. And if we put in charge someone that threatens evil to someone we love, we are allowing the attack. We are responsible.
The worst evil to threaten someone is to kill them. And yet, a whole population of us are continually under threat of a possible hired hitman. I am speaking of abortion. While some may see abortion as one issue among many, this is not true. The Holocaust was not one issue among many. The threat of killing a human brother or sister is the preeminent issue, especially when the threat is widespread like it is with abortion.
Why is it that we dismiss this grave injustice? Indeed, many dismissed the grave injustice of slavery and the Holocaust because they were not faced with it. But as we were unable to avoid the injustice of slavery and the Holocaust, we finally resolved to end these great injustices. There was a battle in both cases. Why should this injustice be any different? And why should we be any less resolved to end it?
Mary, you battled with the evils that sought to destroy your Child, trusting God to provide. Joseph, you were the protector that God provided to Mary, allowing her to nurture the Son that Satan sought to destroy. May you both be there to protect the child in the womb at every point and give us the grace we need to enter into the battle for our neighbors in the womb and all those being attacked by evil. Amen.