Maranatha - Advent 2017
When Jesus returns will he find any faith?
The definition of faith as found in Hebrews; “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11: 1). The writer took time to elaborate the many descriptions that show in an analogous manner how to grasp the definition of something so many have difficulty understanding. Read the remainder of Chapter 11 from Hebrews.
Look at what Jesus told his followers within the Parable of the Resistant Widow and the judge she constantly asked for a decision: “Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk. 18: 7-8).
There is the commonly used phrase when something is not believed or denounced as not possible; “Where is your faith?” This is used more often than usual by those who attempt to get others to accept a fact they themselves had to learn through trial and error.
Yet, as older generations who also came to believe issues from accepting their own faith about God and the reality of things once not understood are struggling with their children to accept the same beliefs. A question that may be part of our own families who have children that no longer attend church related services.
At one time not too many years past those of us who taught within the auspices of Church Sacraments saw those young people retained the principles of church teaching until they were confirmed. Then, we didn’t see them until they needed confirmation of church connections in order to get married. That was then. However, many don’t even get married in church or even worse just live together, Cohabiting.
This is not a script of condemnation on our children but a perfect example asking ourselves where has their faith that was strenuously administered to them gone? Some, or many, couples raised Catholic and catechized in our catholic faith including marriage now raise their children without church attendance of any attempt to even mention Jesus to them.
It is becoming an assurance that what we, as older adults, may be the last vestige of Catholics who will carry the beliefs we were taught and continue adherence to in this millennium. Another sign of our faith being attacked by the influence of anti-God pronouncements. We need to continue with promoting Jesus Christ to the world, our communities, and ourselves.
Ralph B. Hathaway, the Truth about Faith in Jesus Christ; 2022