Listening to the Lord
2022, A Time of Pandemic Loss
We are living in a time where one can do nothing but trust God- trust that what He has
designed will help man to follow Him to eternal life.
I have to do my part- to seek His wisdom, to see what He can guide me to do to make this
devastating time better for those around me. Alone I lack the wisdom to do this, but with
Him to guide my hands, my heart, my will, much good can be done.
“The chief exercise of prayer is to speak to God and to HEAR God speak in the bottom of
your heart.” ( St. Francis de Sales)
Being quiet and really listening to Him is hard for us humans who talk easily without
listening to the quiet murmur of another, whether human or divine.
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”. A quiet inside church pew, looking at the sanctuary
seems to be where I hear Him more easily. At night alone in bed I search but I am easily
distracted. “Come, Lord, put your hand next to mine to guide my heart and my hands”
I have decided to move my goalposts from getting back to the way things were to setting a new normal and accepting there are events and questions which may never get answered, yet I will move on.
A new day beacons; the air is pulsing,
An eagle sits quietly, high on a tree branch.
Looking heavenward I want to sing
It is your voice I want to catch.
Slowly cars begin to move nearby;
Neighbors begin their daily routine.
“Look up, look up.” they cry-
“The Lord has made beauty to be seen.”
Rejoice, rejoice, the earth is alive
Once more He has spoken with His hand
Another day for us to sing and jive
Let’s join together into His band.
Mary Rivers