What ‘Sneak Preview’ Has God Given You?
A companion of mine the other day said something quite beautiful in response to a blessing she wish she had for herself: “I am blessed differently.”
Many of us struggle with comparison. We compare our lives to others (especially through social media platforms) and often see gaps. Others may have a bigger house, more financial security, children, better jobs, go on more exciting vacations, or just frankly have other possessions, talents, or gifts that we want for ourselves. We realize that God didn’t bless us with those same things and we wonder why. We can easily fall into thoughts of greed, envy, and resentment about our own blessings.
As I reflected on these words, “I am blessed differently,” I realized that this should be our response in all the times of life we find ourselves wanting what we haven’t been given by God. After saying these words, what comes to mind are all the ways we truly are blessed differently and a sense of gratefulness for those.
An example: I know a young woman who had 3 children in the last 5 years. She appears to have a very fertile, joyful, and faithful life – that’s of course very busy! But I also know that her family is living in a 2 bedroom condo and doesn’t have significant financial means. I also know that she doesn’t have the same freedom that she did as a single woman to engage in ministries and faith formation activities – things I know she would love to do.
For years, I wanted children as my blessing, and at 36 years old, I still have zero. God has blessed me with a great job, home, financial security and other blessings, and plenty of time and capacity for meaningful ministry work, relationships, and faith activities. I have a purposeful life and I have more abundance of time for prayer and peace and quiet than most my age with families.
I am blessed differently.
So are you.
Today, instead of comparing, look at your blessings and look at how they are different from your brother or sister. God blesses. God graces. God provides.
Gifts perfectly fit to you.