Sarcasm as a Vice to Avoid
March for Life
The annual March for Life event held in Washington DC is an annual rally and march gathering hundreds of thousands of people gathered in defense of human life from conception to natural death. Catholics and various other denominations and religions are represented for the sole purpose of standing up for human life each year since the legalization of abortion in 1973. It is amazing to see each year those who commit themselves to marching on Washington peacefully and prayerfully in hopes that hearts would be changed, and our nation will believe and understand the value of human life from conception until natural death.
Pro-life for a Life Span
Those who are active in the pro-life movement and who commit themselves to praying for and being involved are those who understand that it takes more than just a few people doing their part. Pro-life people are those who comprehend that every life is sacred not just to God, but to humanity and to each of us. Every life has value beyond comprehension. Each life is a masterpiece of the creator and is a treasure to the world for eternity.
The term pro-life is one that encompasses the full lifespan of a person. From the moment of conception until natural death also means from womb to tomb and everything in between. Authentic pro-lifers know and understand this, and pro-life non-profits and organizations often provide more than one resource to help mothers who are contemplating abortion, those who have delivered their babies, and the on-going parental resources for the vulnerable. This is truly what it means to honor life during the whole lifespan when we recognize it is a respect of human existence.
It is also the Treatment of Others
In addition to praying for an end to abortion, honoring of all human life, and acting upon it, how we treat people in daily life speaks volumes. Care for those who suffer, the poor, the sick, the outcast, and those on the margins is pro-life activity. The way we speak to others in our day, how we show concern and care, and avoiding harmful behaviors such as gossip, bullying, and unkindness are pro-life. If you have never been involved in this beautiful movement in protection of all human life, a good place to start is through prayer, loving others, and in treating all people with dignity and care. The Holy Spirit will work in converting more hearts to showing God’s love as we march together in our daily lives for life. Conversion of hearts will bring more people to desire to do more to protect the unborn, practice outreach for the marginalized, and live in the peace of God with all people. Let us continue to love and care for all from conception until natural death in our homes, our country, and our world.