Searching for God in the midst of doubt and confusion
Always ready to pounce on another Church Leader with Condemnation
Each of us will have an opinion on the different Church scandals we find ourselves hearing or reading about. No doubt all of us are disheartened and very perplexed because of the pedophilia with so many priests, bishops, and higher clergy right in the mix of guilt in a church that’s expected to keep an eye on morals.
Each time another news item which involves someone in the hierarchy seems to hit the airways Catholics are somehow looked upon as culprits of a permitting entity without blame. It isn’t as though we haven’t had our bad issues as a leading Christian organization, and have bowed our heads in shame and are cooperating with law officials to correct the image that has fallen upon our Church.
Unfortunately, the latest announcement regarding Pope Benedict XVI and what some are calling for censure of his past obligations by moving priests suspected of improper leadership away from the public eye. The issue is not whether he was guilty of neglect, but it appears to be another way of degrading Catholicism and the actions of everything from too much interference in world issues to whose the next pedophile can we find to prosecute. I don’t oppose the legal actions that are proper to doing what is right, but am against making our church a billboard of accusations which includes every Roman Catholic as a “pin the tail on the donkey” scenario.
Just recently a person who seems to relish at every announcement that appears regarding the pope and his doing things wrong sent me a text on the former pope, Benedict XVI, and his latest act of past sins on pedophilia. I agree that there may be some odd or irregular events that might be scrutinized, but in the Catholic Church we give some latitude to our hierarchy as far as canonical proficiency and rules. The abhorring issue is someone is always waiting with bated desire to find one issue that can be blown out of perspective and make a mountain out of a molehill. If Benedict did something wrong as far as decisions made in jurisdictional efficiency let’s see all the ramifications surrounding the issue before pronouncing judgement.
Usually when this person sends these articles for me to look at I rarely read through them as they are part of another knife throwing scenario. However, this person is like too many who are always looking for and savoring the news that seems to extrapolate a future of mistrust in the church.
Ralph B. Hathaway, News with a negative response.