New-age Philosophy or now INC Christianity
Before Time
A strictly philosophical treatise on a subject that we can neither comprehend nor ascertain to an existence of some type of consideration that is beyond the human intellect or belief.
Atheists or those who teach that science is the only probable thought that has any sound premise of what we live with in a world that came from nothing in a nano-second of time. However, just where these so-called scientists or believers got their information from is as large a mystery as the mysteries of the God we believe in.
One young relative who is a nurse, a field that deals with scientific knowledge, mentions that he doesn’t believe in God as relates to creation. The Big Bang theory has taken a strict position in their minds as it is easier to adapt to a theory that they can hang their beliefs on rather than to look to an entity that requires faith and endurance in an unseen deity.
How their big bang explosion occurred or the expansion of the countless galaxies with all the innumerable planets that make up this massive universe grew is a larger mystery. They are unable to even speculate on the many possibilities that exist in the minds of believers as well as these unbelievers. Yet, we find that the multitudes of the scientific adherents seem to grow, a sign that the removal of belief in an eternal God continues to plague our world and is absorbing the minds of too many God-fearing people. Souls that the Sacrifice of Jesus died for are being led away by a philosophy that promises pleasure and success by kneeling to a process that Satan promised to Jesus; “Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said him, All these I shall give to you, if you will prostate yourself and worship me.” (Mt. 4: 8-9).
Long long time ago somewhere in the vastness of time, which was not time, our Omnipotent God was and is ever present. Since there is no beginning to God which is a wonderful premise and an always present divinity we may start to look into this reality that says; “In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a wasteland, and darkness covered the earth. Then God said, let there be light, and there was light. God saw how good the light was. Then God separated then light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night.”
(Gen. 1: 1- 5).
The argument that theology has with science alone is the big bang theory was made out of nothing. Even astute scientists know this in impossible. One can not create something from nothing. In the theological thought, God did indeed make something out of nothing since he alone created nothing into something; the world beyond our understanding and the fullness of a universe with every planet, galaxy, and solar system in an ordered way. This is the truth that with God nothing is by chance.
When God fashioned creation where did He reside? That is where was heaven, when did he create angels, where was the thought of creating humans who one day would live with him? How would we, his most unique creatures, discover how to seek and find God who will welcome us each to his kingdom?
His gift of Free Will, would be implanted within our psyche and we as sheep would learn through prophets and finally Jesus to understand and reach out to a creator with grace and not by chance.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Promise of our Creator