Quiet! Be Still!
The Pravity of Euthanasia and its Reality
A second article on Euthanasia that I have presented, but with a more intense expose’ on the reality of its tentacles reaching further and faster than even abortion. It has been said that abortion is the mother of euthanasia and we can see its effects world-wide. I would like to interject here that when anyone with a gift of writing comes across information relating to what you may have written about before, do not hesitate to put in print more information on the same subject. Your gift to inform is the Holy Spirit inducing you to give the information away as often as He sees fit to inspire you.
I just received the latest issue of Messenger of Saint Anthony of which I am a recipient and read an article titled “A Chosen Death”. It is a a disturbing piece describing how the British parliament is debating an Assisted Dying Bill; if passed, euthanasia and assisted suicide would become legal in the UK. A priest, Fr. David Palmer, was a Catholic chaplain at the University of Nottingham. An issue regarding his tweet that a bill called Meacher’s Assisted Dying Bill, presently going through the UK Parliament, would permit doctors to “kill the vulnerable.” The University told him he should have described the practice of assisted suicide, which the Bill seeks to legalize, as end of life care. Fr. Palmer said, Assisted suicide is about killing the vulnerable - usually the sick, the elderly and the disabled.
In November, a law permitting euthanasia came into force in New Zealand while most states in Australia also allow some form of doctor-assisted death. In Europe, euthanasia has been legal in the Low Countries for nearly two decades, and Spain this year became the first Mediterranean member of the club.
Without listing the many areas around the globe and some of the horrible ways this is administered, I believe the more widespread results of this malady leads to a sign of end times predictions. Recently, preachers have been presenting the obvious of Jesus’ return and we may be in the beginning of an apocalyptic event. We are told that among the signs will be a complete turning away from God, churches will become empty centers as people will have invented new gods to worship. Respect for life will almost certainly become a past event. Euthanasia is one of the very persistent ways of reaching that.
The news that end of life proponents are digging into the elimination of seniors, invalids, those suffering from terminal diseases, and just many who have no future hope of close ties with a family who may want to go through a process ending their lives.
If we go to Matthew’s Gospel account read the section that describes the eschatology coming upon the earth it can be noted that those attributes we all grew up on are disappearing. It is becoming a society where justification of events that once were honorable, decent, and God-centered are no longer the normal part of life. (cf Mt. 24: 1-25)
Even if one may not fully agree with the end-of-life scenarios they must agree with the loss of human decency and respect for life. These are on a decline and more is needed to inform the rest of humanity.
My purpose is to remind all of us that it is never too late to speak up for the right to life at all stages of development and legislate for the protection of everyone regardless of their situation. We still are God’s children and protecting life is a legal and moral aspect we must fight to keep sacred.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Right to Life vs Legislative death.