Who Is My Enemy?
Daily, I have three alarm clocks—two cats and one dog. By 6 am at the latest, they have me up—to toilet and to feed. This morning as I tried to lie down again, I realized –“no use, I am awake.”
“What is wrong with awake?”
Yes indeed what is wrong with arising to all that is around that is awesome at the beginning of day? What is wrong with being mentally fully alert and aware of the wonders of God’s world and His Presence all around?
Awake, to be aware, to stir up again all the reasons why ALIVE is very good. There are a few Psalms we can reflect on too, or Words that Jesus spoke. “Stay awake, stay alert, be on guard,” Words spoken in tender love for us, for He knew the dangers of a sluggish, lethargy type life and attitude. WAKE UP, look at what is today, look at everything that comes your way and see the many mysteries of God, see the potential for miracles, see the blossoming of seeds sewn, see the possibilities of sewing those seeds, with eyes wide open in faith, trust and love---it is time to be AWAKE.
A good stretch of the muscles, a deep breath, and a reminder of just what all is going on within and about your body that makes it possible to do these activities. Your body is a walking miracle of God's perfect design of love. So, awaken your spirit of thankfulness, your spirit of worship, praise and joy as you realize, “I am, because He is!!!” This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Be GLAD in it!!
So, not only do we arise, we awake---but we choose to be glad that we are and another day has begun to walk with our God. Enjoy, beloved of God, enjoy--and yes there are millions of reasons why we can enjoy when we are AWAKE. Holy Spirit antenna up, everyone---begin the new day!