Why Do I Go To Church?
noun \'gra-t?-?tüd, -?tyüd\
: a feeling of appreciation or thanks
Full Definition of GRATITUDE
: the state of being grateful : thankfulness
Today was an eye opener for me as I realized there are bad things out there in the world, than in my world. Volunteering my time and giving back has been a great learning experience in my parish.
Well, the Office Manager of the church invited me to attend an event at our parish hall called Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP), which provides overnight shelter and hot meals to men each night and in partnership with 30 Monterey Peninsula faith communities; it involves not just the Catholic faith, but other faiths, as well. Our parish hosts this program every 3rd Tuesday of each month.
When I arrived, I saw familiar faces that I recognized at church or friends that I met at other churches. What is funny, is that I never knew their names, because they attend a different time or attend the same time I attend Mass, but I never took the time to ask his or her names, but I remember their faces. I would smile at them and say hello.
When we arrived at the hall, all the volunteers, both young and old, and a group of men from I-HELP were there. I saw the familiar faces and many gave me a hug and were surprised to see me there, because I had never attended such a program before. When everyone arrived, we all gathered in a circle and held hands, to say a prayer before the men and volunteers ate their meal. After the main prayer, this was an open time for anyone who had a prayer request to share with the group, there were quite a few people who did share, but for me, I didn’t say anything.
The men lined up, and the volunteers were ready to serve the food. While I helped serve food for the men, it was cool to see a smile on their faces and they were quite a lively group, too. Afterwards, the volunteers got their food and sat at a table and I joined them and have a conversation with them. I was sitting with a group of ladies that have been involved with I-HELP for many years, and hearing their stories, made me realize that I am very grateful of what I have in my life. One of the ladies said she volunteered at the Salvation Army, and overall, from what she learned about, she realized that she is blessed with what she has in her life-she even mentioned that there were people who recognized and felt embarrassed when they saw her. She said to the people who came to the Salvation Army they should not feel embarrassed, because she was there to help out and would direct them to the right resources. I didn’t say anything, yet listened, and then I realized what I have in my life is perfect!
Once, everyone was done eating, I helped one of the ladies with a drawing for the men. All their names were written on a piece of paper, put into a plastic container, and I helped out the ladies to draw out a name. When the person's name was called, they came up and selected something they wanted, such as a team baseball cap, clothing, jackets, or toiletries or a gift card. Seeing them come up with a smile on their face, saying a simple “Thank You,” giving you a hug or handshake, means a lot. At the end, everyone won something and was a winner! Lastly, everyone started to clean up the hall for the men to stay overnight.
What I learned is that I may not have a rich life or have material items in my home or feel that a person is below me, or wishing I had this or that, but I know that I have a heart that is rich. One of the volunteers asked me, “So, what did you think of this event tonight?” I said, “I’m very grateful of my life!” She smiled at me. Another lady said to me, “you are more than welcome to come again.”
This was my first time attending the event, and at the end, it feels rewarding. Also, what I’m learning about myself is that I’m giving back to my community, I’m getting to network and interact with more people and expose myself-which is not easy, but can help me build my self-confidence in myself, and finally I got to share that I’m one of God’s little helpers or angels.
Today was a blessed day!