If you are not fighting, you are losing.
In our heart, we have our innermost being. It is very hard for us to give our heart to anyone. Even married couples can have a hard time with this. Maybe out of fear of being rejected after making their whole heart known. When someone rejects your innermost being, it can be quite crushing.
And yet, we see that Jesus offers us His Heart. Surely, He is terrified that we will reject Him. But He is love and cannot help but to offer Himself completely to us. The offer requires that we accept Him though. Not accept just the idea of Jesus, but actually accept all of Jesus: His love, His truths, and His teachings. He offers us His innermost being. How stupid would we be to not accept God offering us His innermost being?
Still, we are stupid every time that we sin. But Jesus does not then refuse His offer. Instead, He gives us a way to cleanse ourselves in Confession so that we once again can accept His unfathomable offer. If we are to accept this offer, we need to offer our hearts in return. Jesus yearns for your heart, so much that He has put His Sacred Heart out there for you. He has taken the first step. Now, it is your turn to respond.
Jesus, thank you for offering Your Sacred Heart to me and help me to accept Your Sacred Heart as I offer you my unworthy heart, which you desire so much to enter into and cleanse. Jesus, I offer you my most unworthy of heart and accept Your Most Sacred Heart for all eternity. Amen.