Why do the good die young
Listening to the Lord
When integration first began I noticed black children learned by listening closely to the teacher rather than by reading words. Sometimes hearing was better than seeing. Even law enforcement in the 60’s relied on listening carefully to suspects before seeing their background reports. Wow!
I wanted to know more, understand how those skills could be applied to my life.
Walking into a predominately black school one first noted the quiet; no noisy hallways, no kids talking while in line etc. Quiet is important when listening to a teacher or to someone who is a suspect, but it is especially necessary when listening to the Lord. Listening to the Lord the avenue of choice for some is the quiet of an adoration chapel, or bed at night. For me it is the quiet of large cathedral like church walls having stain glass windows with light enhancing the life of Christ on the windows.
The sense of being alone with another begins the process of listening. One always wants to be alone with their love, whether spouse, child, or Christ.
It is also having an openness- opening all that covers the heart; not just clothing but sin and bad habits. “A clean heart create for me, Oh Lord…”. One can go no further until the heart and mind are open to receive the words of the speaker, the loved one. One’s mind can open and judge, validate or refrain thought. Clearing away outside distractions begins the slow process of really hearing another.
These are the first outward signs necessary - a ready commitment, an openness of the will- “I will hear with my whole self to your words, Oh Lord.”
It is a feeling of being connected, no longer elusive, but the essence of being with the Lord.
Age isn’t important to develop listening skills. Young and old can master listening skills and thrive. However one must exercise caution and trust the truth of the words of the speaker- the teacher must speak truth. Truth is God and Christ speaks to us with His words and actions.
Now one can rest and relax knowing He will guide us toward our future heavenly abode.
Here I am Lord, I come to do Your will.
Connect not disconnect,
I want only unity with You.
Guide me, teach me Your truths.