How to Get Back into a 'State of Grace' with God
Those who are in Hell are there for all eternity. Indeed, they are lost. But you and I are not lost. We are in the battle to be saved from being lost. The war has already been won with Jesus’ sacrifice, but there is still a battle over each soul. If we stand with God, we will be saved. However, if we give in to the evil one, his tempters, and his temptations, we will be lost.
We are the ones that decide our fate. Do we keep fighting the good fight and come out victorious? Or do we finally give in, not wanting to fight anymore? Indeed, if we stop fighting, we will lose. The tempter does not stop. If we stop fighting his temptations, we will lose and join those in Hell.
However, we have much to be certain of. God loves us. Indeed, Jesus died on the Cross to save us, which shows us the extent to which God loves us and would be willing to do for us. And with God on our side, we need not fear the battle. We must be resolved to fight to show God our love and do so with confidence in God’s love. The battle is already won if we only stick to the battle plan.
Mary, you never diverged from the plan of salvation and are an immaculate warrior in the battle for souls. Help us in our battle to live with God forever in Paradise. Amen.