Who is your hero?
For almost two weeks the world has watched as Russia invades Ukraine. It reminds me of the David versus Goliath story in I Samuel. The little guy going up against the giant. Impossible odds.
In summary, Goliath was a giant and hero of war and David was a young kid who was nothing but a shepherd boy. Despite all odds, God gave David an unbelievable and unlikely victory. Prayers from around the world, from people of various religions and faiths, are rising up on behalf of Ukraine and praying for another David victory against Goliath. Catholics are seeking the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel, patron of Kyiv, in the battle that is raging around the city. Recent photos circulating on social media appear to show the prayers for heavenly help are being answered. The photos, although unverified, certainly provide hope for Ukrainians and people worldwide as the war with Russia rages and Ukrainians fight for their home and their freedom.
Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, posted a video message on March 4 acknowledging the claims that St. Michael the Archangel is indeed protecting the city.
In the video message, posted on YouTube, he attempted to provide a picture of the horrors of the war the people in Ukraine are facing. “Today, one can say about Ukraine that there are rivers of blood and a sea of tears. But particularly at morning we were all startled, learning that the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant was on fire.”
Archbishop Shevchuk was speaking from Kyiv and said the Archangel Michael is fighting for Ukraine.
“Here in Kyiv we perceive that the patron of our city is the Archangel Michael who with the cry ‘Who is like God?’ cast into the abyss Lucifer – the one who rose up against God’s truth and was the leader of the diabolical armies. We perceive today that the Archangel Michael together with the whole Heavenly Host is fighting for Ukraine. So many people from throughout Ukraine are turning to me saying that they saw luminous angels over the land of Ukraine,” Shevchuk said in the video message. “Today we pray: O Archangel Michael and all the Powers of Heaven, fight for Ukraine! Cast down the devil who is attacking us and killing us, bringing devastation and death!”
The archbishop associates Russia with “the devil” in his message and said they are praying that St. Michael strikes down “the devil” attacking Ukraine.
One of the images was posted on Twitter by an account named “Ukraine Updates”, depicting what appears a cloud formation in the shape of an angel with outstretched wings over Ukraine. Another image was shared on Twitter by David Maddox, political editor of Sunday Express.
In addition to unconfirmed photos circulating on social media, Archbishop Shevchuk said many individuals have told him they have seen such images with their own eyes. In the video message, he also urged an end to the war.
“It is necessary to do everything to stop this war immediately. This is not only becoming a humanitarian catastrophe before our very eyes. It is an irreversible attack on God’s creation that for decades, for centuries, will be impossible to correct,” he said.
Christians around the world stand together in opposition of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We stand together with the Ukrainians and pray together:
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
St Michael the Archangel, fight for Ukraine. St. Michael the Archangel, defend Ukraine.