Classic Book Guides Readers through the “Jungle” of Atheistic Thought
The Silent Knight: A History of St. Joseph as Depicted in Art by Elizabeth Lev. Sophia Institute Press (Manchester, NH, 2021). 225 pp., $18.95.
Spring is the perfect time to reflect on the patronage of St. Joseph, with his two great feasts on March 19 and May 1.
Elizabeth Lev’s new book, The Silent Knight: A History of St. Joseph as Depicted in Art, highlights famous masterpieces and uplifts readers through devotion to St. Joseph. This book celebrates his powerful intercession in each era and saints’ recourse to St. Joseph. It includes the words and prayers of Saints Bernard of Clairvaux, Francis of Assisi, Bridget of Sweden, Francis de Sales, Teresa of Avila, Pius IX, Josemaria Escriva and John Paul II.
Also featured is an array of artwork depicting St. Joseph by famous artists throughout the ages, from Raphael, Michelangelo, Murillo, and Giotto, to Caravaggio, El Greco, and more. Viewing the collection of these masterpieces is like visiting a museum or going on a pilgrimage
Msgr. Timothy Verdon, Director of Florence Cathedral Museum, shared: “In her accessible, conversational style Elizabeth Lev has brought together centuries of theological, devotional, and artistic reflection on St. Joseph, the foster father of Christ and chaste companion of the Virgin Mary, in a handsomely illustrated volume that students of Catholic culture will read with joy.”
Lev explains the beauty and majesty of the art contained in this book beautifully in her EWTN News Nightly interview.
Steve Ray, “Footprints of God” host and author, enthused: “Not only rich with resplendent artwork, The Silent Knight is also replete with historical documentation and commentary. This will be a treasured volume for art lovers, theologians, scholars, novices and all who love a good read.”
Furthermore, Lev explains the need for devotion to St. Joseph to grow in holiness. She also relates the courageous creativity of St. Joseph that we are called to emulate in our age. As evidenced by the Year of St. Joseph, he is a saint for our times and our protector in adversity. Readers will learn his role in defending chastity, marriage, and family life, especially in times of turmoil.
Readers will see why St. Joseph is patron of the Church and defender of unity, as he miraculously intercedes and comes to the rescue. The words of Peter Anastasius Pichenot, Bishop of Tarbes, echo through the centuries: “The Blessed Sacrament and St. Joseph. Behold our hope in these perilous times!”
Members of the media may send an email to Sophia Institute Press’ Publicity Coordinator at to receive a physical or digital copy of The Silent Knight or to schedule an interview with the author, Elizabeth Lev.