Entering Into His Throne Room
“What did you think about Purgatory—I assume you had to go there first. Oh, I know that look—it was not a pleasant place, was it?”
“Oh, Dad to have to watch your whole life one moment at a time and see the many ways that my lack of love, my lack of action, and my selfish attitude –to see how all of that affected not only the person in front of me—but the ripple effect on all the other people beyond my actions. Oh, Dad, how very painful it was to watch! Oh the agony of knowing how badly I hurt others and then, they in turn hurt someone else too! If I had only known what this place of 'cleansing fire that does not stop burning' meant, I would have gone to Confession much more frequently. I would have been praying every hour of every day, 'Father forgive me, I did not know how I was hurting someone, myself and You oh Lord.' And I would have run quickly and begged forgiveness from all that felt pain because of me. Oh Dad, Purgatory --well you know, don't you how painful it was to walk through?"
“Yes, child, we don’t think of that do we when we just casually turn away from someone who needed our love and understanding. Hey, I had to watch how all of my actions hurt you, your mom, everyone. How in the long run your lives were changed and how you suffered so! Now that my child was like the Father watching as His son was crucified. It was as if my words were the hammer and my looks the nails that were being driven into your heart. I am so sorry my child, so sorry—and it was only because of this place called purgatory that I really felt deep sorrow, and was able to repent of my hurtful behavior. You didn’t know it but, I prayed more for you there then I ever prayed for you in my life. Oh by the way, thank you, thank you for praying for me. Thank you, thank you for loving me so much that you forgave me—for if you hadn’t—well we would have first met in purgatory instead of in Heaven. I am so thankful too, that God in His Wisdom, Understanding and deep Love knew why we needed to go through purgatory before bringing us Home to Heaven. Like the 40 years in the desert for the Israelites, there has to be a time for the soul to be totally cleansed, so we can enter into His Kingdom and live totally one in mind. heart and spirit in His love. We needed to be set free of all that human sinful nature and how it left us scarred so.
But this is Heaven now, we have been given all understanding---so where should we start and what would you like to see first—take your time—we have all eternity.” Dad looks at me with a big grin while winking his eye.
Smiling at each other, like one only can, when you have full peace and joy that comes with an understanding that passes all understanding—we turn to where the hearts begin to lead. We turn to this place called Heaven--a place of total peace, joy and love. "Oh hi, God--there You are!!"