Catholic priest executed for rape and murder
As we continue the journey through Lent, just weeks away from Good Friday, we recognize the supreme sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross of Calvary was for the entire world. It was for the good as well as the bad. It was for those who make mistakes as well as those who commit evil and horrendous acts.
Russia continues to battle in Ukraine. They continue to conduct strikes and kill civilians. As a result, Christians should pray fervently for the conversion of Russian President Putin. It is prayer which is our greatest weapon. I ask each Christian to pray for Putin’s conversion and for the war. Here is a suggested prayer:
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, you urged your disciples to not just love your neighbor or those who love you back, but to love your enemy. You urged and taught your followers that the heavenly Father ‘makes His sun rise on the bad and the good and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.’ (Matthew 5:43-45) We are called to be set apart. We are called to be different. We are called to love and seek the conversion of sinners.
It is clear Russian President Putin has committed unspeakable and horrific acts against humanity, against the dignity of life, against those who are innocent. O Lord, actions such as these come only from the deep root of sin, evil, and the devil. We pray for President Putin to repent of his sins. We ask, Lord Jesus, for you to send the Holy Spirit to convict him of his sins and that his heart would soften to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We pray that President Putin would surrender to you, come to worship you in spirit and in truth, and to repent and seek your forgiveness.
We pray, Lord, that just as you say the hearts of kings are in your hand, O Lord, and just as the rivers of water flow as you wish, we know you turn the hearts of kings as you will. (Prov 21:1) We pray, O Lord, that in your Divine Mercy, you would turn the heart of Vladimir Putin to you, and he would come to live a life pleasing to you. That the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart would be pleasing to you. That his actions would glorify you and uplift others, rather than seek to destroy them and destroy human life, which is created in your image.
Lord Jesus, you carried the cross of the sins of the world to Calvary. You suffered agony when the nails of our sins, our actions, our hatred, our evil acts, our jealousy, our pride were hammered through your hands and feet. As your most precious blood flowed down your body, down the wood of the cross, and onto the soil of the dirt which you created, O Lord, your love still flows from Calvary over the sins of each sinner. Your love seeks the repentance and conversion of all who sin against you, including those of Vladimir Putin.
Heavenly Father, send your most holy angels to protect the people of Ukraine. Send your holy angels to fight against the evil acts of Russia. Send your Holy Spirit to bring repentance not just to President Putin, but to bring about a conversion of hearts and repentance among those serving in the Russian military.
Just as your precious blood flowed from Calvary for me, it flowed for them Lord. Just as your blood covers my sins, it is your desire for it to cover the sins of President Putin. Just as you call me to repent from my sins, you call President Putin to repent from his. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
St. Olga, pray for us.
St. Joan of Arc, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend Ukraine in battle.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Jesus, we trust in you.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”