I used to be a nasty woman
You’ve probably seen quite a bit about this topic in the news and social media. Kids (and adults) having what is being called “a sexual identity crisis."
When I was a little girl, I was considered what was then called a “tom boy.” I was born in 1952 and I grew up on comic book super heroes (all male) and westerns (again, all male characters).
I had a sexual identity crisis and didn’t know it. I owned and played with toy trucks and I had a Wyatt Earp gun and holster set. That made me the envy of all the boys on our block.
I would have dreams about being a super hero. I would rescue my friends (both boys and girls) from the bullies in the neighborhood or rescue myself from the nightmare I was currently dreaming (I had the super power of waking up!). In those dreams, I could fly and I would swoop down and rescue my friends or get away from the bullies that tormented me in real life.
But I did play with dolls, too and I loved things that were considered “girly.” When I played with dolls through 8th grade, I was picked on for being a “baby.” I was clinging to my toys because I didn’t want to enter the real world. Between my mother and the bullies, I was starting to lose my mind.
James Watkins’ article made me think about the panic mode some people seem to be in over kids and their sexual identity. Why does everything have to do with sexuality? Calm down!