Obedience Matters
I acquired an iPhone last Fall. I confess that I really did not like it in the beginning. In fact, I declared that I hated it.
Yes. I claimed to hate it. Pretty strong words, even from someone as opinionated as I am.
Then I lost it.
I remembered having had it at the 12:00 Mass and had no recollection of seeing it after that.
I pleaded with my longtime good friend St. Anthony. Repeatedly. I kept looking, even in the odd places, but no luck. I looked all through my minivan, under the seats, everywhere. Not there.
The following morning I went to 6:45 Mass and checked where I had been sitting the day before. I checked the Lost and Found. I retraced my steps from the church to my car, in case it had fallen out of my pocket.
I even cleared off my desk thinking it might be under papers. Nope. All the time, pleading with the Lord to hear the prayers of St. Anthony that I might find that phone.
Finally, I said to the Lord something like this, "I know I complained about that expensive iphone. I know I complain about a lot of things. I'm sorry. Perhaps you want me to realize that I truly have been very blessed. I may not find this phone. It's OK. I will accept that. Maybe that's what you want and its loss will draw me closer to you."
About five minutes later I found the phone. It was sitting in plain sight on a table in our family room. I couldn't imagine that I hadn't looked there. Perhaps St. Anthony moved it there. He's moved other things.
Thank you, St. Anthony. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for the phone and thank you for putting up with me.
God is good. All the time.