My Pal Jumbo Never Went To Mass Until----Then He Never Missed Mass Again*
Satan is the Great Impostor, the King of Lies, the Master of all Hate. He was God's greatest angel and decided that he was even better than God. So, the "created" tried to overwhelm the Creator. Having made this choice he and his followers were cast out of God's world for all eternity. We mortal beings cannot even imagine the hate that fills these fallen spirits. Their hate is so great and pervasive because there can never be redemption for them. Consequently, they prowl around the world seeking new recruits to join them in their misery. They may have hit the "motherload" via the Internet.
The latest Internet game filling the cyber environment is called the "Charlie Charlie Challenge". A game that is being promoted as innocent has, as its objective, the goal of summoning the devil. Here is what I cannot fathom. In a world gone secular and trying to eliminate God from our existence why are thousands upon thousands of people, especially young people, trying to conjure up a confrontation with Satan himself? Many want to reject God and His Goodness and Love...yet are willing to call on Satan to have a "good time".
How bizarre is this? Satan (aka the Devil) is the opposite of GOOD. He is HATE . All that is UNgood comes from Satan. There could never be a Satan without a God who created him in the first place. Yet people want to summon him up and talk to him, while at the same time claiming there is no God or that God is irrelevant in their lives. It DOES Not Make sense To Me.
The "Charlie Charlie Challenge" apparently came from the game being played in the Dominican Republic and then uploaded to YouTube. April 29 is when it began and it spread to Twitter. Today it has gone viral. The two pencil game involves drawing a grid on a piece of paper with two sections labeled "yes" and two sections labeled "no". One pencil is balanced on top of the other pencil and then questions are asked; such as, "Charlie, are you here?" If he is "there" the pencil will move to the "yes" section. The main question then asked is "Can we play?" The fact that the slightest environmental change can cause the pencil on top to move is completely ignored. The Charlie Charlie Challenge is a phenomena that is readily explainable.
There are two kinds of pride: negative and positive. Positive pride has to do with such things as being proud of your family or being proud of an accomplishment worked for and earned through personal hard work and sacrifice. Negative pride is all about self. If a person places their wants and perceived needs above all else and will attempt anything to satisfy those needs, that is when Pride becomes the greatest sin.
This "Charlie Charlie Challenge" is simply a reflection of how ridiculously self-serving so many have become in this meistic secularized society. It is Pride gone rogue. First,reject God and bash religion. The follow that and embrace God's first creations, who are Satan, and his fallen angels. Play games with them, have fun with them, and see where it gets you. There is an old adage that says, "The devil you get might be worse than the one that you have".
So PLEASE--be careful what you ask for. Where the "Charlie Charlie Challenge" takes you can prove damning. But it is never too late. Unlike the demons you have been hanging with, you are still eligible for God's mercy and forgiveness. It is only too late after you die. It is time to kick the "Charlie Charlie Challenge" back into the Hell it came from lest you get dragged in with it.