What do we discover when the call from God awakens us?
A Smoldering Wick will never go out. The hand of God surrounds the flame.
As I watched one evening, praying by the light of a candle, the flame flickering and waving, it reached for the sky. My thoughts of God, in the beginning calling on light, a brightness that would keep on looking back at its creator. The Source of light would allow no one to extinguish it.
God lit the wick of life within us,
This life that glows reaches out to Him,
The room was dark except for this candle, its light stayed on and the darkness was gone. Each time a match touched the wick, the flame that was asleep yawned and became brilliant. The room lighted up in an essence of glory. Here again, the light of God, His first pronouncement of “Let there be Light” could be heard in every corner of the room. A feeling of peace that even one candle could change the surrounding emptiness with life. This must be the working of the Almighty as He places on us a lighted path to continue growing.
Each shadow of doubt is hidden in light,
As a flame that opens avenues of hope.
How long, I wondered, could this wick burn on? Then thought I, if we are like this treasure of life, that like a candle has only time, will our light reach out and bring hope to the world? As the wick, after many days of work, began to slowly burn down to its base, I could see that even as smoldering came upon it, the flame became a hot spark that continued to glow.
A smoldering wick I will not quench,
At times we are that dying flame,
Burn on we hear, the words of hope, to me and mine God sends us forth. Yes the winds will blow as we waver in strife, yet the flame of desire will light the way. Reach up and out to a fallen world, as your light will part the curtains of doubt. Open the shroud of silence within, and let the light of your countenance touch those in fear. Find the brokenhearted, the lonely, and those lurking in shadows, and light their way back to God.
A bruised reed I will not break,
My love will give to all a splint.
O can we not see that a candle burning so slowly resembles the essence of man whom God has placed the light of life. A treasure so beautiful where our light shines forth giving hope and love where darkness tries to overtake. But, through the beam of God’s love, a new day dawns as hope pervades the shadows of doubt.
The Love of God reaches into the depths,
Of every lost soul with the light of life.
Ralph B. Hathaway May 2018