Do Modern Catholics Worship Relics?
Faith of Your Fathers: Why We Should Place Trust In the Supreme Being Not The Supreme Court
As we come to a close of another U.S. Supreme Court session it is amazing how many people place their faith in the Supreme Court instead of the Supreme Being. The U.S. Supreme Court may be the highest court in our land but is it the highest power we have in the United States? This is today’s question.
In times where Church attendance is about as frequent as rain the Mohave Desert, many people are erroneously placing their faith in institutions created by man. Can the Government truly provide you your rights? When you place your faith in man will you truly always be satisfied? These are questions that will not only nag at our collective consciences it goes to the very core of convictions.
The Rights of Man v The Rights of God
Why did the Declaration of Independence say that there were certain rights that ordained by our creator? Could there possibly be two types of rights?
Rights by Man
Rights By God
When you compare these two types of Rights which would you put your faith in? This is an easy question to answer because all things being equal most everyone would pick the Rights By God. With that in mind I would then ask why people consistently look for rights by man or rights by the U.S. Supreme Court.
It could be because for some people it is the only thing they have left- their faith in government. This is because government has slowly but surely stripped away their belief in most other institutions and left them with the concept that government will be there for them always. It is no longer government of the people, by the people and for the people. This has been replaced with government becomes a person- they pick winners and losers. In this system the government becomes the real winner and we, the people, are the real losers.
In a recent Supreme Court Case an argument was created that encouraged the petitioner to argue that the 14th amendment would force all states to allow same sex couples to marry. This argument is not an argument of fairness; it is an argument that on the surface sounds like it is based on the law- but is it really? A deeper look reveals that because of the 10th amendment- all state rights remain at the state level unless specified to be Federal under the U.S. Constitution. Since marriage is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution- the U.S. Constitution until this Supreme Court ruling would require that same sex marriage would be a right left up to the state.
So by using the 14th amendment to supersede the 10th amendment, you have the epitome of what is wrong with man’s law. Your rights are your rights only and until your rights are no longer your rights. They are limited in length, limited in understanding, and unlimited in contradictions.
God’s rights are universal and by universal here I am not referring to NBC Universal. I am referring to rights that last all of your life or rights that have lasted thousands of years. God’s rights out last governments and in the long period of time since Moses came down the mountain with the Ten Commandments- they have not changed.
Back in a time when Eisenhower was President and before the time the Barney and Fred were used to sell Winston Cigarettes- Hanna Barbera created the cartoon character Snagglepuss. The exact year was 1959 and his two famous catch phrases would be very appropriate here. He was noted for saying, “Heavens to Murgatroyd!” and "Exit, stage left!" I would change these slightly around today we should all keep our eyes on heavens and pay attention when our rights are removed by left leaning well meaning intentions.
Exit Stage Left! That is exactly what has happened to our rights today. We are celebrating thinking that a great thing has been accomplished and we are not paying attention that we have put our faith in men and corrupt system not in a Supreme Being.
Putting your faith in the Supreme Court is totally misplaced. There is one God. Please place your faith in him and he will never let you down and besides the laws do not change like the Texas weather.