Praying to Saints
Let us be honest friends, this book is not for you.
It is for someone who perhaps does not believe in God, or is not sure what to believe. It is for someone who wonders what life is all about. Why are we here and how did we get here? Were we created, or are we just a product of evolution and natural circumstances?
This book is also for someone who at some stage may have been a believer but somehow, over time, they have drifted away.
This book is for someone "Searching For God".
We all know somebody who fits this category. People who either don't believe, or don't know what to believe, or believed in something sometime ago and no longer do so.
I have written this book because I know people who fit this description. They believe they'll go to Heaven yet don't know why, or where it is, and what they would do if they get there.
On reflection, this book is for you and for me. Because we can pass it on to that someone in our life who perhaps needs a nudge in the right direction to find God in their lives.
The book tackles in simple language those basic questions that may have crossed our minds from time to time.
What is the argument for and against evolution as opposed to a Creator living God who made everything happen?
How do we know there is God anyway? What does He look like? A ghost, a spirit, or a physical entity like us? How does He communicate with us; and we with Him? What does He want anyway?
These and other questions are tackled in easy to understand terms in the hope to spark interest and further research in our "Searching For God".
An easy to read, step-by-step journey in search for the living Creator God.
Whether you are already a believer or not, this book will help you meditate and reflect on what you truly believe, and on what you base those beliefs, and why.
The book will be of particular interest to those enquiring about their role and mission in life and how it fits in with the will of God.
Why did God create us and create the Universe? What is the purpose of life here on earth? Is there really another life after death? Why and where is it and who is destined to go there for eternity?
Please promote this book and pray in the hope it lands in the hands of someone who is truly "Searching for God".
It is only 58 pages long to keep the price down and make it easy to carry in a handbag or a pocket. Reasonably priced to cover production costs.
Available in Paperback and KINDLE from AMAZON - HERE