Celebrating Pride Month? Pride Goeth Before the Fall
This novena is starting today (April 27th) and will end on the feast of Pope Pius V. (From CatholicDoors.com)
Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days.
The scourge of war is on us,
for the worship of God is despised:
the chastisement that avenges guilt is menacing our earth.
In this peril, which of the heavenly citizens
can we better invoke in our defense than you, O Saint Pius?
O blessed Pontiff!
No mortal ever labored with such zealous vigor
to promote God's glory on earth as you did;
No mortal ever struggled, as you did,
to free Christian lands from the yoke
which barbarians were seeking to put upon them.
Your power is greater now that you are in heaven:
look upon us your clients!
Restrain civil discord and repel our enemies.
May your prayers bring golden peace upon the earth;
that in calm security we may sing our canticles to God with a gladder heart.
To You, O Blessed Trinity, one God,
be glory, praise and power,
for ever and ever.
Let us pray.
‘O God, Who You were pleased to break the teeth
of them that hate Your Church,
and to restore again the solemn worship of Yourself,
did choose Saint Pope Pius V to work for You in that matter,
grant that he may still be a tower of strength for us.
Grant that we also may be more than conquerors
over all that make war upon our souls,
and in the end may enter into perfect peace in Your presence.’
More than ever, we need to again
restore divine worship with reverence towards God
as St. Pope Pius V accomplished.
We have had enough of the worldly worship of man in our churches,
(pleasing the people with music,
clapping, jokes, ‘prayer’ facing them,
dramas, dances and everyone getting in on the ‘Show’.)
you chose Saint Pius V as pope of your Church
to protect the faith and give you more fitting worship.
By his prayers,
help us celebrate your holy mysteries
with a living faith and an effective love.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...
Saint Pius V,
Pray for us.
Saint Pius V,
Pray for us.
Saint Pius V,
Pray for us.