Italy Pilgrimage in May 2025 through the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation
Easter is the highest point of celebration in the liturgical year as we contemplation and of joy Jesus and his resurrection. Once Easter Sunday has concluded, we can keep the Easter joy and happiness alive both within ourselves and our families.
How to Keep Easter Alive in Our Hearts
Easter lasts 50 days, and it is a time of celebration not just for the day and week of Easter but every day. Lessons learned during Lent in terms of the spiritual life can be continued during the joyous time of the entire Easter season. Here are a few more ways to keep that spirit alive.
Lent is one of the most profound liturgical seasons of prayer, but that spirit can continue through the 50 days in preparation of Pentecost and beyond. Take at least one or more of those practices, and pray each day with fervor to the Lord and for your intentions and that of others.
Celebrate New Life
Planting flowers, wearing colorful clothing, and celebrating the newness of the season is a good way to keep Easter alive in your heart and for your family. Live happily and joyfully each day knowing the resurrection of Christ is very real, and you are living it. This is not just for the Easter season; this is for every day of your life.
Keep the Almsgiving Going
Almsgiving is a wonderful to give back to God’s people. Many people do more during Lent in this way but continuing it through Easter and beyond is at the heart of God. Pray about ways to serve and to give back to others in the spirit of giving and of the joy of Easter.
Take all these suggestions and more to live out the momentous season of Easter. God’s love is with your always as you contemplate and live out the season and keep it alive both today and always.