What Happens Next?
Maybe it's my imagination, but Christianity isn't what it used to be.
There was a time when people behaved somewhat differently regarding their Christianity than they do now. For example, you'd go to a hospital or a school and you'd see a Crucifix or a Cross on the wall.
In our school all the pupils and teachers used to gather in the big hall every morning for prayers and a hymn before we went to our class for lessons. We said prayers at lunch time, led by the headmaster or a teacher, before we ate.
Women used to wear a hat or a veil on their heads when in church.
The sermons were more relevant to life as it is. The priest used the theme of the Gospel of the day and made what he said relevant to how we live and how we should behave. These days all he does is repeat the Gospel we've just read and does not add or explain anything. I know one priest who manages to put me to sleep with the first sentence of his sermon. I am often suddenly awakened with a sharp elbow in the side.
In them days men would stop and take their hats off if a funeral hearse would pass in the street. People would do the sign of the Cross when passing a church.
Priests used to visit their parishioners at home, not just when they were ill, but at all times just for a cup of tea. Often people would invite priests for Sunday lunch, and they were always there at special events like wedding anniversaries. Now priests seem to be always too busy with administrative work, and Ecumenical Meetings and don't seem to have time for their parishioners.
These days it's all different. Maybe it's me. Perhaps I got it all wrong. I've been lucky to have known some good priests in Olden Days ...
But let's not focus on those around us. How about us Christians? Yes, you and me! Whatever happens in the world what is our Mission here in this life ... right now?
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28-19:20