"Christmas Comes but once a Year"
Sighting of the spirits of those who have died
This might appear to be a sci-fi story that one would enjoy for an afternoon scan with nothing better to do than relax and read a mysterious bi-line.
They die, they live, their souls goes somewhere. Some appear to us, and some do not. Some speak and some do not.
After becoming attracted to the stories about Purgatory and reading different occasions of others encountering dead priests or religious from their own parishes or religious orders, it certainly got my attention. Some of the stories are taken from the book “Purgatory” by Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S. J. while a couple were mentioned in a documentary shown on EWTN August 6, 2017. Since then, as I wrote much later, I have written at least 8 articles regarding Purgatory.
The interesting phenomenon about this Church accepted article (CCC 1030 -1032), is how much is not related from the pulpit. However, unless one sees or speaks with a soul that has passed over it can be a, “guess what I saw today?”
My first encounter with what I believe was seeing a gentleman in the parking lot of St. Bernard’s in Mt. Lebanon. After pulling into a parking space and exiting the car I noticed a tall middle-aged man dressed in black several cars distant from mine. We exchanged the courteous nod and smile as I opened the door for my wife to get out. As I turned in the direction of the gentleman he was gone. It surprised me since the size of the lot was such that if he had turned to exit the lot I would still have seen him. No more thoughts about him since he disappeared from view. I told my wife I had just seen my guardian angel.
It was several days after that when I awoke sometime in the late night and there he was; standing beside the bed and just starring at me. This, to my way of thinking, was a confirmation of his being my guardian angel until other events surfaced.
Now my recollection of what just happened turned my attention to this mysterious but not false matter of souls reaching out for those to whom God has sent for prayers of expiation. I have never considered myself as being special, but am thankful that the Lord has allowed me this ministry to pray for souls in Purgatory.
A former priest, and my pastor from St. Paul’s Cathedral who was stationed at St. Bernard parish after his retirement has appeared in the office at the rectory. I was not there but was wishing I could have been and perhaps communicated with him, if that were possible. As far as I know no one did speak with him or attempt to do so.
My reason for saying this is on one occasion, related on the documentary, told of a priest encountering a past cleric who was roaming around the parish from where both had been assigned. The priest asked the former priest to not appear since he was frightening people there. They can speak and appear at will.
One evening I was asleep and my wife got up to use the bathroom. As she was passing by the foot of the bed she saw a man standing at the bedside looking down on me. She was not sleep walking as she never did, and is not susceptible to hallucinations. Another evening as she was doing the same bathroom call she noticed I was at my computer and there he was, perhaps the same man, standing by my side as I typed.
I have also related that often when my wife gets up at night I can feel the bed slightly moving as if someone is changing position on the bed. I look and it isn’t my wife. There never has been a feeling of fear since I realize someone is attempting to awaken me and pray.
One time I asked the Blessed Mother if I could see one of them in full view, and her response was “you don’t want to.”
Reason for this article is to confirm that those who have passed on, if they are in Purgatory still have a mission that may not be complete or as appears otherwise need prayers for their expiation. At any rate, we must remember the Apostle’s Prayer where we recite “I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting. Amen.”
Once I wrote to a relative regarding the fact that her pastor doesn’t believe in Purgatory and he went further saying the Church does not teach this, for him to look at the CCC, 1030 - 1032.
Lately, I have seen other authors have alluded to Purgatory and that is great. We, the Church Militant, must continue to keep alive this truth regarding our Church Penitent. Our prayers are joined with the Church Triumphant.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Purgatory continued.