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Who knows Jesus better than His own mother? Nobody except the other two persons of the Holy Trinity. Who is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and who has the most perfect indwelling of the Trinity of all creatures? Mary. Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, because her very womb contained Jesus, the Eternal Word made flesh, the eternal High Priest, and the Bread of Life (the symbols of these three identities of Jesus that were kept in the Ark of God in the Old Testament were the 10 commandments (word of God), the staff of Aaron (royal priesthood) and the pot of manna (Holy Eucharist/Bread of Life)). Mary is the New Testament living fulfillment of the Ark of the Old Testament which contained only symbols that represented what the living Jesus embodies.
So, given her own nearness to God, Mary is the spiritual director best equipped to help the faithful attain unity with God during their pilgrimage on earth. She is first and most perfect of disciples and knows both creatures and their difficulties, and the Creator and how to appeal to Him better than any other creature who has ever lived. Jesus is attentive to and shares with her the desire that all souls be saved and learn the truth about God, and hears her pleas for our needs with promptness and with a readiness to give to His mother what she asks of Him. Mary is the fulfillment of the role of Jewish Gebirah. Just as Jesus is the eternal fulfillment of David's royal dynasty as eternal King, Mary, His mother, is the eternal queen mother. Those who understand Jewish history know that the Gebirah, the king's mother, was the most powerful person in the kingdom, next to the king , and she sat on a throne on the right hand of the king, bringing the needs of the people to his attention. Mary is the eternal fulfillment of this role of intercessor with the eternal King, Jesus.
The Bible says, "the prayers of a righteous man (i.e. person) availeth much (James 5:16). Who is more righteous than Mary, who was full of grace from her conception and who did God's will at every instant of her life? If the prayers of a righteous person are more effective than those of someone less righteous, then how powerful the prayers of the Blessed Mother must be! There is no creature more righteous who has ever lived or ever will live than Mary, except Jesus Himself, who is God. In the economy of salvation, Mary's prayers are the most powerful in obtaining grace for creatures from Our Lord. If you believe in asking for friends and relatives to pray for you, then how much more should you ask for prayers for your needs from the holiest creature of all?
The Memorare states that "never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided." Even difficult situations become sweeter with Mary's help. The sometimes-arduous task of dying to self and growing in virtue becomes easier with assistance from Mary, who is full of motherly love. She sweetens even the most bitter of sufferings with her maternal compassion and concern. Jesus gave His mother to us from the cross when He asked her to become the mother of His beloved disciple (representing all of us) and the beloved disciple to behold his mother (John 19:26-27). Should we not accept this gift of His mother with gratitude and humility and love her as He loved her? That is how Jesus wants it, so let's please Him by giving thanks for His gift and making good use of it by seeking her help!
One of the most efficacious means to accept the gift of Mary into our lives is through Marian consecration. There are many Saints who have advocated Marian consecration throughout history. Even Martin Luther had a great devotion to the mother of Our Lord! Many formulas exist for preparing for and performing a Marian consecration. One I recommend is "33 days to Morning Glory", a private retreat written by Fr. Michael Gaitley. This consecration draws on the spiritual wisdom of St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. John Paul II, and St. Teresa of Calcutta. The next major Marian Feast is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, celebrated on June 25, 2022. The day to begin a 33-day retreat where the consecration day (day 34) is June 25th is May 23rd. Since May is Mary's month, when is there a better time to engage is a spiritual pilgrimage with Mary and what better day could there be to commit oneself to her than on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart? Please consider making such a journey this year and you will find your life in Christ will never be the same. We love you, momma. Take our hands and show us the way to Jesus!