A Serious Question?
You know how it is. We're all very busy these days doing this and that and the other thing and trying to get our head round doing more jobs on our "To Do" list.
It's not like when we were children and things moved so slowly and a week was as long as a year especially when we're waiting for something nice like a birthday party, or a visit to the cinema or park or whatever.
These days time moves much faster it seems and all the days and weeks seem to blend together and another year is over.
We really don't have time to go to church ... every Sunday. Life's too busy for that.
A recent survey said that in the UK regular attendance to church, all denominations, is about 5% of the population. Yet, I guess many people consider that they are Christian at heart, good people really, and they will certainly go to Heaven. Whatever they believe Heaven is.
We all need rules to keep us safe and to live an ordered life. Can you imagine the chaos if you went out in the street and drove wherever you wished and ignored traffic lights and road signals?
In Christian life too, we have some rules to follow, known as the Ten Commandments. One of them says that we should keep one day a week holy. This means that we should make an effort to attend church regularly and not just fit it in when the golf game has been cancelled.
Being a Christian means loving God and obeying Him and respecting His rules. How would you feel if your friends only come running to you when they need help and the rest of the time they ignore you because they're too busy? It is the same with God. Many use God as a convenient insurance policy for when things go wrong.
Christianity is not an optional extra. It is not a badge one wears to identify them when asked.
You are either a Christian or you are not. Hiding behind the badge may fool others, including you, but it certainly will not fool God. If you say you're a Christian and you don't go to church then you're not a Christian.
And one more thing ... as someone once said, going to church does not make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Christianity is a way of life, a Mission, an eternal destination. Christianity is difficult. It is not for the faint-hearted and the timid. Christianity is hard work; but with a good pension plan.
The message may be hard to swallow but that's the way it is.