Pondering the Mystery of God's Love
“The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment… The Court invalidates the marriage laws of more than half the States and orders the transformation of a social institution that has formed the basis of human society for millennia… Just who do we think we are?” – Chief Justice John Roberts
With the June 26th decision of the Supreme Court requiring all 50 states to recognize and permit same-sex marriage, Christians are more than ever facing accusations of bigotry for holding the traditional belief that marriage is a sacred covenant that can only exist between one man and one woman, which reflects Christ’s union with His Bride, the Church.
Admittedly, the theological meaning of marriage can be difficult to comprehend or to defend especially in secular circles; however, anthropological and biological support for the Christian view of marriage is both clear and scientific. The rapid movement from millennia of human consensus on the meaning of marriage to this pivotal point in history is based largely on emotional appeal and at least in part due to the successful strategies adopted and promoted by the population control movement and its agents, notably the Planned Parenthood Federation.
When my home state of Washington was debating the legal recognition of same-sex unions in 2009, I wrote the following article focusing on the natural, biological, and psychological evidence supporting traditional marriage.
The Nature of Marriage
When I was expecting my daughter, my obstetrician didn’t prescribe an elaborate diet, but gave me these simple words of advice: “Choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural state.” Nourishment is abundant in the foods that nature provides. What can be learned by applying that same approach to questions concerning marriage, sexuality, reproductive health, and family?
Consider the human body. Men and women naturally complete one another in the sexual union, and together have the potential to generate life. No such natural physical union or capacity for reproduction is possible in a homosexual relationship.
Consider the children. Extensive research shows that the traditional family with two biological parents provides the best possible environment for children. Same-sex unions deprive any children involved of their right to parents of both sexes. (For links to research on this topic, visit the American College of Pediatricians website ).
Consider the reproductive system. Same-sex couples (or heterosexual couples who contracept throughout their child-bearing years) miss having the children they naturally desire. Many such couples turn to artificial fertility technologies. These costly and difficult technologies are a poor substitute for nature.
Consider what it says to a little girl to discover her mother was a paid surrogate, or what it means to a boy to realize fatherhood can be reduced to a sperm donation.
Consider the young people. With the push to normalize homosexuality, adolescents may be encouraged to seek a permanent solution to a transient gender identity crisis. The girl who was abused by her father, the boy whose dad abandoned him, the young woman whose lover pressured her to abort a child: all desire love and family, but the wounds they carry may not have healed and they turn to a person of the same sex, someone who seems safe. They are in need of compassion and guidance, not sex-change surgery or same-sex marriage. No one is born with the wrong body. We each have the body nature intended for us, even those who face disabilities or challenges - including the challenge of same-sex attraction.
Consider the human race. Same-sex marriage, widely practiced and accepted, is cultural suicide. Children are our hope for the future.
Consider why we insist on holistic health care in other areas but have become convinced that reproductive health is best achieved through unnatural means. Abortion, artificial contraception, sterilization, homosexuality and sexual promiscuity are routinely promoted by the very agency that claims to provide women’s healthcare – Planned Parenthood.
Consider the fruits of following this agenda for nearly forty years: rampant STDs, pornography, infertility, post-abortion trauma, increased homosexuality, and family breakdowns. Yet, popular wisdom insists Planned Parenthood is the premier women’s healthcare provider and our government funds them with millions in tax dollars. If you wonder what Planned Parenthood’s motive is, read their plan for population reduction in the U.S., compiled in 1970 by Frederick Jaffe.
Finally, consider who is being targeted for this population reduction – those who Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, referred to as “human weeds.” Could it be your children – and mine?